Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Review: Cleverman

Cleverman 2/10

I mean damn. It is crazy how a show like Cleverman can start off with a good premise and quickly jump every shark it spots and instead of pulling back it just continues making a mess of what could have been maybe three different good shows. I found this on Netflix because the poster looked interesting and assumed it was about ninjas. I was wrong. It is filmed all up in Australia. This is gonna cover both seasons of the show and full of spoilers meaning me saving you time watching twelve episodes of a show with no ending and likely no third season. You're welcome.

This is about a group of things called Hairies which look like hairy humans. They are stronger, faster, and in some cases cuter than regular humans. I'll get to her in a moment. They were discovered six months ago at the start of this series but already they have been super fucked over. They are being used for folks that wanna fuck them, shave them and sell their hair, or just kill them because they are not considered human. This one family is helped by a guy that sets them up in an apartment that gets raided pretty fast and the family separated with the youngest child being killed.

The guy that helped them ends up being Cleverman after his grandfather dies. He has powers like...everything. There is fucking nothing he can't do until his crazy ass brother who does everything wrong in the name of doing right stabs him with a tree sap knife. I am not joking. He is being helped by that dude from Game Of Thrones that is obsessed with the dragon chick. They are injecting themselves with Hairies juice and getting strong but also getting hairy. And science/businessman gets his wife pregnant and she is gonna have a Hairie kid. It's a mess.

One of the Hairies is played by Rarriwuy Hick. In the show she said she is 16 and my Spider Sense started tingling. Found out she is in her 20's and felt better about myself. She is cute as fuck. I like her in wild ass form and not wild ass form. Her face makes me happy and as we all know I apparently have a thing for girls that look like kitty cats.

This show was a super convoluted mess and I wish they had either said “This is a show about this new group of people discovered and how they try to integrate into society while some of them resist.” Or “This is a show about a guy that discovers new powers that have been passed down through his culture and his battle against his brother who believes that he should have received it instead.” Or “This is a political series about a new form of humanity and their impact on the rest of the world.” Like Alien Nation or some shit. But they tried to do all three and ended up not doing any of it well. I actually suggested this series to people until I got to the third episode and realized that it didn't know what the fuck it was even doing.

Click here for previous The Review

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