Friday, November 3, 2017

Theater Whore: Thor Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok 10/10

This morning my ass raced to the theater to see Thor: Ragnarok because I didn't want any spoilers (which this review would have because it is a review an you shouldn't be reading them unless you expect to be spoiled by some things) and because this is the first Thor movie that looked interesting to me. The first Thor movie stunk. The second one was worse than the first. But when I saw the trailer for this one I got hype as shit and had to see this. On a previous blog post rating my excitement levels for upcoming Marvel movies (click here for that) I gave this a 1/5. That should tell you how much I enjoyed this.

This starts off with Thor played by Chris Hemsworth already captured and explaining what he has been up to since we last saw him. Remember, he was not around during Civil War because he would have just killed everyone involved. He has been searching for more Infinity Stones and has been captured by this demon name Surtur that blabs telling him that Odin is no longer in Asgard and that he will bring Ragnarok. Thor breaks free, kicks his ass, and calls for help from Heindall played by Idris Elba who finally gets to do something three movies later, who does not respond. Eventually he is teleported away to Asgard by Skurge played by Karl Urban.

Thor arrives in Asgard and sees Odin (Anthony Hopkins) relaxing watching a play of Loki's life and I shit you not Matt Damon plays Loki and Hemsworth's real life brother is playing him and Sam Neill playing Odin. Thor threatens Loki still disguised as Odin by sending Mjolnir hurling towards his head. He then takes Loki to go find the real Odin on Earth with the help of Doctor Strange. It was so damned cool to see them all together on screen and funny as hell.

I am tired of writing this like a straight up review/recap. This movie got so many things right that the other movies could not. They made Thor an interesting character which was something lacking in previous films. Yeah, he was nice to look at (and his arms are fucking ridiculous in this) but he was dull and Loki was the best part of those movies. They changed that in this. Also, they left out the Jane Foster bullshit which was super nice. They only spent time on Earth when they needed to, otherwise they were on Asgard.

Cate Blachett as Hela was so damned awesome. When she popped up on screen I was like “Goddamn, she looks hot!” but in the crazy hot chick kinda way. She was by are the scariest villain so far in these Marvel films. And one of the best things about it was that her motivation was good. It was not a run of the mil villain wanting to take shit over for nothing. She pretty much deserved her revenge on Odin. I didn't even fully understand her powers but they looked cool.

When Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo, shows up the theater cheered even though we all knew he was gonna show up. This scene is way funnier than it was in the trailer where Thor says he is a friend from work. The scene gets funny and just keeps on getting funny even during the fight. And Ruffalo was awesome as both Hulk and Banner. I never would have thought I'd be saying that Thor and Hulk were some of the funniest characters but they absolutely were. Banner's reaction to where he is and how long it has been was funny because it is how most people would react to hearing they have lost two years of their life.

Whenever Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster was on screen the theater laughed because he is in full Goldblum mode in this movie and it works perfectly. His weirdness works well within this and for who he is and what he does. As nutty as he behaves you see that he is also very dangerous. Tom Hiddleston as Loki put on his best performance as Loki than he has in any of the other films. Instead of just seeming like this tricky asshole the way he has in previous movies and the conversations between him and Thor were actually touching at times and the motivation for why they both act the way they do towards one another finally made sense.

Tessa Thompson as SR-142/Valkyrie was so badass in this. I want her to have a movie by herself because not only does her face make me happy but she has this cool ass back story. You have no idea how excited I am to see what this cast, including the aliens they brought along, does when they combine with the Avengers as well as the Guardians Of The Galaxy. The ending to this movie satisfied the fuck out of me and I will be seeing the next series of movies. And just to shit on that Justice League movie, they showed a trailer for it before this and the theater was dead silent except for someone chuckling at this supposedly cool looking scene with Wonder Woman. That poor movie has no chance. Also some silence for New Mutants which looks like some shit that should be on Netflix. Go see this in theaters. I may see it in 3D the next time.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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