Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Review: Ozark

Ozark 10/10

There will be spoilers. Babies. I know I am late writing this review but I finished the Netflix series Ozark a while back after taking time off to watch other shows. This series was pretty damned incredible. Again, Netflix has a knack for shitty posters that make me not want to watch their shows and friends and family have to get me to check them out. Cam suggested this one and I was hooked. I am not kidding. There is a scene in the first episode that is so intense I could have crushed coal into diamonds with my asshole. After that I knew that I was in and going to finish this show.

Jason Bateman stars and even directs some episodes of this. He is Martin Byrde. He is just a financial adviser along with his friend in Chicago with a wife and two children. One day this Mexican drug lord shows up and just starts shooting the shit out of people. It is very sudden and unexpected. Someone has been stealing his money and Marty knows nothing about it. Slowly others start admitting to it and pointing fingers and getting their brains blown out. Marty is next until he devices a money laundering plan for Camino Del Rio. Del Rio accepts and Marty and his family have to move to Ozark. Of course his family does not want to go and wants to know why they do.

Meanwhile we find out that this sex tape Marty has been watching is his wife Wendy played by Laura Linney and a friend of hers. They bone out with their annoying ass teenage daughter who loses some of her annoyance and son who may or may not be psycho as shit. Marty immediately needs to start moving this money and begins investing in strip clubs, churches, anything he can. But he is not ready for the level of anarchy that is born and bred in the Ozark. There is this family, the Langmore's, that live to commit crime and possibly murder. There are FBI agents after them. Del Rio and his people, a family distributing heroin he stumbles into, eyeballs in jars, insane kids, ass slapping his wife. So much!

This show has great casting, acting, music, drama, and writing. There are parts that made me laugh, shocked the hell out of me, and had me wanting to see more. I kept telling Cam “There is no way this is gonna end well!” and thankfully she did not spoil anything for me. I want to see what happens with this family because the last few episodes of this were a damned roller coaster. If you have not seen this show you need to because not enough people are talking about it.

Click here for previous The Review

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