Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Review: Jim & Andy

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond - The Story of Jim Carrey & Andy Kaufman Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton 9/10

Yeah, I know that is a long ass title. Koko, her friend, and I went to see this documentary Jim & Andy during the AFI Fest and it is really good. I had no idea what this was gonna be like because in recent years I have heard nothing but bad things about Jim Carrey and the last thing I saw him in, The Bad Batch, he didn't talk and I had no idea it was him until the credits when I saw his name. I know about Andy Kaufman through stand up and old footage from his wrestling days. Never saw Man On The Moon. This should have bored the shit out of me but it did the opposite.

This uses a mixture of behind the scenes footage that Carrey recorded while making the film, actual footage of Kaufman, interviews with friends and family, and filmmakers. During the making of MOTM I had heard of how Carrey was trying to act like Kaufman and got into a fight with Jerry Lawler who actually wrestled Kaufman back in the day. I didn't know how deep it got until watching this. Carrey in character even reconciled with Kaufman's daughter that had never met him and his father as well. I was watching this thinking “This is fucking nuts” but in a good way.

This will be entertaining or at the very least interesting to people whether you are a fan of Carrey or not. I didn't learn a lot of new stuff because for whatever reason my weird ass was kept abreast of all this when it was happening at the time. I know some people just get annoyed thinking of Carrey and it was cool to dislike him for a while and the rumors about him till this day but I still say give this a try. It is now on Netflix.

Click here for previous The Review.

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