Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Review: A Prairie Home Companion

A Prairie Home Companion 8/10

I went to AFI Fest with Koko and this cutie the other day and got to see two movies. The first was A Prairie Home Companion directed by Robert Altman. I had zero idea what this movie was about though I had heard of it before. I thought maybe it was about a farm and dying horses or something. Seriously. I did not know when it was made or who was in it. I actually thought it was a much older film based on the title. I was wrong about a lot of this movie meaning everything.

This movie is about a live radio show that is about to be canceled and the theater closed meanwhile a weird woman in white is walking around talking to people and it is like some can't see her. This movie had a huge cast with Kevin Kline, John C. Reilly, Lily Tomlin, Meryl Streep, Maya Rudolph, Woody Harrelson, and for whatever reason Lindsay Lohan. I liked this movie a lot and she is the reason I can not give this a higher score. Thankfully she doesn't really get that involved until the end because I can not stand watching her act and can barely tolerate her voice.

The music in this is stuff I would not ever actively search for but I enjoyed it in this setting. I liked that even when the stage and performers were not being shown the music did not stop. It felt like it was an actual show and it turns out that it is an actual show run by Garrison Keillor who plays himself. This came out in 2006 so it should not be that hard for folks to find and check out. I laughed more than I thought and could not see where the movie was headed which I liked.

Click here for previous The Review.

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