Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Review: Godzilla Planet of the Monsters

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters 8/10

You are a problem!” That is a direct quote from me while watching Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters on Netflix. This was the first of a scheduled three films for this year which is super cool because I really enjoyed this movie. This was the first time I have ever looked at Godzilla and wanted it to lose or recognized it for the huge issue that it is. I know that sounds stupid since it is a giant monster that attacks cities and fights monsters when the monsters attack cities because Godzilla seems to want to be the only one that gets to do this like a bratty ass child. I see Godzilla and think “Laser breath! Glowing spine! Roar!” I don't think “Holy shit, that is a massive amount of radiation poisoning...”

On Earth monsters start showing up and wrecking shop. Godzilla appears and he starts killing those monsters...and people. Godzilla gives no fucks. Two alien races also appear with one of them being super religious and wanting humans to join them and another saying they can help by building a Mechagodzilla. I'd go with option B. Humanity is eventually forced to get off the planet because Godzilla has no off days. 20 years later a lot of people are dying from illnesses, killing themselves, and food on the ship is running out while the last of humanity searches for a new home. This one guy Haruo Sakaki threatens to blow everything the fuck up if they don't figure something out or head back to Earth. Eventually things happen and they turn around and head there.

It has been 20 space years but in terms of Earth years it has been closer to 20,000. They can't even see the surface of the planet anymore because of radiation and shit. They devise a plan to get there and see if Godzilla is even around all these years later. They hear that familiar scream and realize they are kinda fucked but can't turn around an just wait to die in space so they come up with a form of attack based on plans made by Haruo who was a small child when he had to leave the planet. I won't tell you what happens but it was not what I thought would even as I was watching the ending. Good use of CGI and animation. I also watched it with the original language. This was a cool ass movie and I'll be keeping this on my watch list so I can see the next one as soon as it is available.

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