Saturday, January 13, 2018

Theater Whore: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 10/10

Tonight Cam and I headed to The Arclight to check out Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. I'd wanted to see this earlier this year and found out it wasn't coming out till way later. If I had seen this sooner I would have easily added it to my Best Movie Of 2017 list. This is one of those movies that looks really dark but has some funny parts but turned out to be an actual dark comedy. It helps that there was an old lady in the theater meowing and making spooky sounds randomly. Sounds terrible but that shit was hilarious. Seriously. One of the best parts of going to movies is looking at other movie goers. The theater was pretty packed but we had some good seats because I am a professional seat picker.

Frances McDormand stars as Mildred Hayes. She heads into a billboard agency and puts down $5,000 to rent three billboards. She plans to keep them up for the next month. They say “Raped While Dying”, “And Still No Arrests?”, and “How Come, Chief Willoughby?” This is in regards to her daughter. Officer Jason Dixon played by Sam Rockwell spots the signs being put up and flips the fuck out and tells Willoughby played by Woody Harrelson. He goes to talk to Mildred and asks her to take the billboards down and even tosses in that he is dying of cancer. She says the whole town knows ans no she is not taking them down. Her son Robbie played by Lucas Hedges sarcastically thanks his mom for the treatment he is getting at school and for letting him know exactly what his sisters last moments alive were like.

The town is torn between people that agree with Mildred and others that absolutely do not like her dentist. That scene is tense as fuck. Her ex husband Charlie played by John Hawkes shows up with his 19 year old girlfriend and immediately it is like “Yeah, these two had a fucked up relationship.” During a flashback between Mildred and her daughter you can see how their daily life was and how fucked it was. You also see how important some of the last things you say to people are. You also get to have a look into Willoughby's family life with his wife and two daughters as he knows he will be dying soon.

There are way more actors and actresses in this I have not mentioned and more twists and turns to the story. It is not as cut and dry as I thought it would be. Mother loses daughter, blames lazy sheriffs, tries to get the crime solved. The more I found out about other characters in this and their motivation or lac of it made it all tie together great. Rockwell's home life alone is its own story. This had an ending that could upset some people but I loved the way it ended. I really do like the way this story went and was told and found out that the director and writer did a couple other movies I really like (In Bruges, Seven Psychopaths). Check this out if you get the chance. It deserves all the praise it has been getting.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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