Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Review: Annihilation

Annihilation 8/10

If you were to ask someone “Wanna watch something weird?” and showed them the movie Annihilation they'd be pissed off at you because that question is not enough to get their bodies ready for this. Holy shit, this is a crazy ass movie but in a very good way. I did not know anything about it and saw a sort of review (barely listened because the host get too industry-ish for my liking) and decided to check it out. It is directed by the guy that made Ex Machina which I loved and stars Natalie Portman who I have had a thing for since I was in my 20's. So I sat down and tried to ready myself for some possible oddness and hopefully a cool film.

Portman is a former soldier and biology professor named Lena that is in a quarantined area after some strange shit went down. She needs to explain what happened during a visit to this strange area where this stuff known as “The Shimmer” appeared. Through flashbacks we are shown that her husband, played by Oscar Isaac, has returned from the same strange ass place and has been acting weird. He's been gone for over a year and can't recall anything that happened. One day he collapses and on the way to a hospital guv'mint cars show up and yank their asses out and take them to the quarantine and ask some questions.

A psychologist, played by Jennifer Jason Leigh, and a team go to check out what happened to the previous team. They are played by Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, and Tuva Novotny. They get to this Shimmer place and it is weird as fuck. Strange flowers are growing and they find some of the previous teams stuff. One of them gets attacked by an alligator with shark teeth. It's all fucked up. They find a video with Lena's husband cutting a guy open and his guts are moving around like a damned snake. They find his body later on and there are plants growing out of it.

Later on after one of the team members finds out that Lena's husband was the one in the video, which she didn't bother to mention, and ties her and others up and wants answers. The next thing you know this giant bear monster creature shit thing that screams like a woman shows up. It is creepy as all hell and stalks around them but does not attack. One team member starts shooting and gets her ass eaten and they realize that its screams sound like one of the other team members that was killed the previous night.

I will not even attempt to describe the rest of this movie because by this point it had lost its mind and I could not figure out where it was going. I really enjoyed it but can not tell you what happened without sounding crazy. One thing I want to point out that another reviewer did was that the entire main cast was ladies and no one else is talking about that. More of a deal was made about that Ghostbusters movie and the lady factor but not with this. I think because it didn't feel weird or forced. They just happened to be women so it shouldn't be a big deal but its hard not to think of that considering how the Academy Awards were being presented just a month ago. I suggest checking this movie out but do not expect everything to make perfect sense. You gotta think afterward which is cool.

Click here for previous The Review.

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