Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Review: Beyond Skyline

Beyond Skyline 5/10

This movie made negative money at the box office. It is not super hard to understand why though. Beyond Skyline is a sequel to Skyline which I remember existing but id not watch. I think a few other movies with the same premise came out around the same time where L.A was being attacked by aliens. This movie was not terrible and what made it enjoyable was the star Frank Grillo who is my new Steven Seagal but in better shape and without all the controversy. Grillo is a police detective named Mark Corley going to pick up his fuck up of a son from jail. His car does not work so they take a subway train. Explosions start happening and they have to bounce.

They check topside and see that people are looking into a blue light and then being Raptured into the sky to a big ass ship. Mark's son ignores everything he says and gets zapped but saved. There are residual effects though. They confront one of the aliens and these things are big as hell. The smallest ones are like eight feet tall. After much fighting and battling and helping a blind Huggybear they are yanked onto the ship. Turns out the aliens rip out human brains and jam them into these suit which are the aliens. Except for one with red lights instead of blue that remembers who he is and helps them fight back and escape.

They land in an Asian jungle and the cast of The Raid are there. They are enemies at first but start helping each other because the other options are fighting cops or aliens alone. Oh, they also have this little girl that was just born but is, like, 10, a day later. Alien shit. Don't ask questions. She is the baby born from a little in the first movie. They fight and fight. People sacrifice themselves for no reason. Mark's son who was brain snatched is an alien now. It is funny how the aliens seem to cross paths with who they knew when they were human. This is a super cheese fest but I liked it. Just went about twenty minutes too long and the first half of the movie does not resemble the second at all.

Click here for previous The Review.

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