Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Review: Proud Mary

Proud Mary 1/10

When is this movie over? is not something I should ask out loud while watching something that isn't even 90 minutes long. Whoever did the trailer for Proud Mary starring Taraji P. Henson deserves an award for trickery because they managed to cobble together parts of this hot garbage and fool me into wanting to watch it. This is about a hit woman for a mafia that is allegedly very good at her job but seems super sloppy and reckless. She also has magic guns that go from silent to not when the scene needs it. Or just shitty sound editing. Some asshole kid that in other movies would be a victim you fight for stays alive in this and causes trouble that Mary uses bullets to make even worse. Seriously. Bullets are the period at the end of sentences in this. And by the way, no cops ever show up. Even in John Wick they do and they know the deal.

I'm not sure why this was made and made so badly. I remember watching interviews with Henson and people talking about the lack of advertising this got. I see why. If I had invested in this I would have been so pissed at how it turned out. The story is super weak. The directing seems all over the place. This movie doesn't even have a tone. I didn't understand why certain angles were used let alone shots. The whole movie is the boy saying that Mary doesn't care about him, her saying she didn't say that, then they hug. Towards the end they start blaring “Proud Mary” and they try their best to make the scene look cool but it just made me laugh. That saved this from getting a 0. I laughed once. Some people have compared this to Atomic Blonde which I disagree with. At least that movie looked cooler. Blame studios all you want for things that did not turn out the way those who worked on a movie wanted, but you can not blame a studio for bad acting.

Click here for previous The Review.

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