Monday, May 21, 2018

The Review: Train To Busan

Train To Busan 8/10

I just finished watching this zombie movie from the director of Psychokenisis called Train To Busan. I had seen it advertised on Netflix but never wanted to watch it until I saw his other movie. The same way that was Korea's first superhero film this was their first zombie movie and holy shit they did a really good job. Something I want to point out before I forget is that they do not fight zombies with guns. I know, it sounds crazy. There is not a gun seen until the last few minutes of this and American films need to take note. I love shooting movies as much as the next guy (Deadpool and John Wick are amazing) but in other films it becomes too easy to just shoot a problem away. Even with a detective show like Luther it is not gun heavy. I like that.

This movie has zero humor in it. That is not a knock against. I'm just saying. Don't expect moments of levity. While on a train with his young daughter to see his ex wife someone infected with a virus gets on board, attacks an employee, and a chain reaction of zombies happen. There are not many options in regards to weapons or escape on a train so even getting to the next car is a fucking battle. The situations people are put in also makes the true version of yourself come out. Could you attack your friend that has turned? A spouse? An old lady? The speed that paranoia can spread in a situation like this leads to one of the most intense damned scenes. The biggest problem I had with this is that it ran maybe fifteen minutes too long. If you like zombie movies check this one out for sure. It is original, tense, and heartbreaking as fuck. 

Click here for previous The Review.

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