Monday, July 23, 2018

The Review: How It Ends

How It Ends 1/10

I was this damn close to giving this movie either a 4 or 5 and then when it ended I dropped it immediately to a 1. How It Ends has a promising start. This couple Will and Samantha find out that a baby is on the way. Will played by the blandest damned actor I've seen in a long time, Theo James, wants to ask her father Tom played by Forest Whitaker, for her hand in marriage. He hates Will and after a terrible dinner he heads to a hotel to take a flight. Samantha calls him the next day and there is an explosion and the phone dies. Will races back to Tom and his wife and they take a road trip from Chicago to Seattle. Along the way people lose all their shit and within days the country has become The Purge but for some reason money is still a thing even when there is nothing to buy. Money is just paper, people!

Whitaker is the best thing about this movie. I am sure this would've been better if another actor other than James was in this. He did not have the ability to hang with Whitaker and it was obvious. They pick up a Native American girl at one point just to talk some shit. What is happening to the world and why all these storms and quakes are happening is never explained. I could kind of forgive that. Kind of. But what I can't forgive is an ending that is not a fucking ending. The movie just stops. Will and Samantha are racing away from a dust storm and the movie just stops. I'm not even sure what the hell happened to Samantha's mom after she was left behind to go somewhere else by her husband. This was number one bullshit so don't waste your time. Its long as hell. Too long.

Click here for previous The Review.

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