Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Review: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Last Jedi 3/10

In my continuing accidental mission to watch Star Wars movies out of order (like watching episodes one through six in actual order and watching Rogue One but not The Force Awakens) I watched The Last Jedi this morning on Netflix. Since I have not seen TFA I was confused about a lot of stuff. When I watched Rogue One I kept waiting for the Black Stormtrooper to show up and it wasn't until halfway through that I realized I was watching the wrong thing. With this one I figured it out pretty fast that I was watching the second movie and wondered why the fuck it wasn't on Netflix. Either way, I know a lot of what happened in the first movie so I wasn't totally lost with this one. I know about the bad guys family and what happened in the other film.

I didn't like this one all that much but I liked the way it looked. It looked nice. The characters looked cool and gave me some ideas for future Perler beads but I don't feel any need to watch the film I should have watched or any future films. I'm good. I don't hate these movies I'm just not interested in the stories. They just feel like newer looking versions of the older films. I know a lot of people complained about Adam Driver as Kylo Ren but I liked him because he was fucking crazy and looked cool...until he took the helmet off and destroyed it.

Click here for previous The Review.

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