Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Review: Upgrade

Upgrade 6/10

There will be spoilers. I finally got around to seeing Upgrade. When I first saw the trailer I thought it looked awesome and had a cool premise. I also thought the main actor was Tom Hardy because, damn it, he looks like Tom Hardy. Then that Venom trailer came out and I laughed because it looked like Upgrade. I liked this a lot because I like revenge movies and I like violent movies and this is a very revenge based action movie. This guy Grey Trace is a mechanic that is not a huge fan of technology. His wife Asha works for a company that helps with augmenting humans with technology. One day they go to return a car Grey was working on and it turns out to be the home of this weird ass smart dude named Eron that is working on some technology called STEM.

One the way home while trying to bone down in a self driving car the car decides “Fuck you I do what I want!” and they wreck. Some guys show up and shot the wife and fuck Grey up who has to watch her die. He ends up not being able to move from the neck down. He has a chair and help in the form of his mother, nurses, and robot arms in the house. One day at the hospital Eron shows up and offers him to have the STEM implanted but he has to keep quiet about it. Grey eventually accepts and freaks the fuck out when it starts talking to him. Eron is surprised by this. STEM is smart as fuck and can protect Grey as long as he gives him permission to do so. Which he does.

Grey starts hunting down the guys associated with his wife's death and murders them in the most violent of fashions. No need to worry about leaving fingerprints because STEM is like “I kept track of everything you touched.” Meanwhile a cop that is investigating the case starts to suspect Grey but he's like “I cant walk so...kick rocks.” Grey gets cocky and flagrant as fuck with his attacks and such and the cop knows he is somehow doing this. STEM gets shut down by Eron and Grey has to head to a hacker that STEM found and get booted back up.

This movie has a dark ass ending which, honestly, it couldn't have ended any other way. I like that they do not say what year this takes place in. The way it ends makes it so there could possibly be a sequel but I wouldn't want to see it. I like the way this one went. The sequel would either be a copy of this movie or some stupid battle between humans and AI with other soldiers or something with implants. There are some guys Grey fights that have implants and you can see that past a certain point shit gets absurd.

Click here for previous The Review.

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