Sunday, October 14, 2018

Theater Whore: Ant Man & The Wasp

Ant Man & The Wasp 7/10

I played myself! This will contain all kinds of spoilers. I did not enjoy the first Ant Man movie so when I saw that this was coming out I told myself that I could skip it. I have seen every single film Marvel has put out as part of the MCU but for whatever reason thought that I could skip this one and be okay with it. I was a damned fool. Ant Man & The Wasp was better than I expected and had an ending that made me realize how stupid I was to not see this sooner. I mean, its fine that I waited but not really. This takes place after Civil War and Paul Rudd aka Ant Man aka Scott Lang is on house arrest for violating the Sokovia Accords. That's the shit where if you wanna be a superhero you gotta register. He is just living his weird life at home and playing with his kid and learning magic tricks online.

Lang starts having these weird visions and it turns out to be Janet van Dyne who is played by Michelle Pfeiffer. Now let me tell you about how amazing she looks. She looks amazing

Moving on. On a mission thirty years ago she and Hank Pym played by Michael Douglas she got sucked into the quantum realm and has been stuck there all this time. Just floating around in an acid trip for three damned decades. Hank and Hope played by Evangeline Lilly want to use Lang's mind to get into that place and get Janet back. Sounds insane. By the way, they end up kidnapping Lang and he freaks out because he is on house arrest. They place his ankle monitor on a giant ant that can imitate all of Lang's movements throughout the day. The police constantly check in on Lang and he always manages to just make it back home in time.

There is a shit ton of things happening in this movie so I am not gonna recap the entire thing. There is a villain that is not really a villain named Ghost played by Hannah John-Kamen who I now want to be my wife. I recognized her from a couple other shows I watch and thought she was cute but watching her act crazy as hell made me like her more. Because I got issues. 

She is being helped by Pym's old partner Bill Foster played by Laurence Fishburne. He turns on Pym. No one likes Pym. He's a dick. Now Ghost is an awesome ass character. She can phase through anything but is in constant pain unless she is locked in this weird ass room.

The rest of this movie is a lot of very original fights and chases. They take full advantage of the powers that Ant Man and The Wasp have. I thought it would get old seeing things get big and small but they kept coming up with new ways to do it. Lang's daughter played by Abby Ryder Fortson was really good in this and I hope she is in the next film. If there is one. I'll get to that in a minute. Michael Peña was funny again and supplied some scenes that made me crack up. Hell, even Walter Goggins shows up and I had no idea he was in this. By the way, I managed to not have this movie spoiled! I didn't know what the fuck was gonna happen in this movie!

Now to the mid-credit scene.

Infinity War was a thing that happened. If you don't know what happened in that movie you sure as hell need to stop reading right now.

You still here?

Half the universe DIED!!!

Thanos snapped his goddamn fingers and people started disappearing left and right. I knew this happened but for some reason did not associate it with this movie I was watching. So when Lang after everything is fine and happy goes into the tiny universe to get some good juice I did not know what was going to happen. He gets it and when he tells Pym, his wife, and daughter he is ready and they don't respond he thinks they are joking. I didn't know what was happening until you saw that there was nothing left but dust floating away. INFINITY WAR!!! They are fucking dead and Lang is left floating in the fucking ethereal realm with no way to get back! That fucked me up so bad! Fuck it. Raising my rating a point just because of that ending. If you did not see this because reviewers were shitting on it you should give it a try. I'm not someone that loves everything Marvel does. Thor 1 and 2 were ass garbage. But you should see this. It's good. Not perfect. There are some pacing issues just like with the first but still worth checking out.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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