Friday, November 2, 2018

The Review: Badder Ben

Badder Ben 6/10

This one was made for the fans. So today B&H decided that I had to watch the sequel to Bad Ben called Badder Ben. I didn't know how they could make a sequel based on how the last one ended. This team of researchers or something decide that they need to record some ghostly and spooky stuff and gather all the video from the first film where that poor dude Tom Riley got his ass kicked by Ben. Turns out that he survived and they even manage to use facial recognition to track him down because even though he was attacked more than any human in existence by a ghost he still has to play the lottery. They pay him some cash and decide that they need to make Ben appear.

Well, it turns out that there is Ben. There is also the ghosts of the previous owners, a well as the Jersey Devil which makes an appearance and looked terrible. They never should have tried that. So they are all in the house an Jaquie, she decides that they need to call the spirits. Immediately shit starts happening. The camera guy Schmiddy has it all on tape but still Jaquie is like “This is not enough we need to be worse.” She starts doing even worse shit than Tom did in the first film and they start getting chased, attacked, and possessed. Still they won't leave. There is also this producer or something named Dave involved who I swore was Tom for the first ten minutes of this movie.

The rest of this gets rather convoluted and as of this moment hours after watching I can not tell you how it ended. I really don't remember. I think they got Ben to attack the other spirit and get it out the lady or something. We mostly talked about her clothing choice while recording this and how unprofessional they all were for what they were attempting to do. They pretty much used Google to figure out what they were doing and it did not work too well for them. This was not as funny as the first movie because having that one poor bastard try to fight a battle was way more interesting.

Click here for previous The Review.

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