Friday, January 11, 2019

The Review: Radius

Radius 3/10

Oh, this had the chance to be so damned good! This will have spoilers. I watched some review show or something and heard about this movie on Netflix called Radius. I liked the premise. People who get within fifty feet of this guy just drop dead. Now, with a movie like this I need for there to be a reason why given. Well I got that reason and laughed my ass off when it was shown. More on that later. So this guy wakes up with his head bleeding near a road and flags down someone for help. The car veers off the road and the driver is dead. He gets their phone to call 911 and can't remember his name but sees it is Liam (Diego Klattenhoff) after checking his wallet. He walks into a diner and everyone is dead. People just dying around this guy! He locks himself in his house thinking there may be some kinda virus floating around killing folk. He is not just killing people either. Birds just drop dead out the sky when they fly over him. He is super effective. Now he knows he is the reason things are dying.

One day a lady (Charlotte Sullivan) shows up and he tries to get her to leave. She gets close to his house and does not die. She says she can not remember anything after a crash and that he was the driver of the car. They have no idea who the other is but must work together. She does not have the same ability as him but they discover that when she is with him people do not die. By the way, this whole situation was rushed and felt weird. But with the way the ending was done it makes sense. It's not good. But it makes sense. They find where the car had crashed and there is a circular burn on the ground. She tries to leave and a cop spots them and as the lady walks away the cop dies. Liam is like “Ha! See?!” News reports are saying he is being looked for and they wonder if they should get help some way. Not anymore with all these bodies piling up. The lady finds out her name is Rose and gets in touch with her husband who seems shady for no reason. There is a missing poster with a woman that looks like her but turns out she has a twin. Well here we fucking go. Time to get telenovela on your ass!

Super spoilers from here on out. This movie becomes a series of instances where they are not believed by people, get caught, people die, secrets are revealed, the truth comes out. It is a mess. So while they are in this cabin and she is starting to like this guy a little their memories come back. Turns out he is a killer and killed a lot of women including her sister. He throws up when he remembers he is a shit bird while she freaks out and threatens to kill him. She doesn't. Some rednecks show up, beat Liam up, and then they die because he takes a few extra steps. One of them shoots the lady and then dies. Liam takes her to the hospital then shoots himself in the head. As for how they got this weird ability, when he was trying to drug her for future killing they were hit by some weird space lightning shit after crashing the truck when she fought him off. That is the explanation given. If they just had a lash of light it would have been better looking. They went full on Highlander “There can be only one!” lightning and it looked silly. This was not a horrible movie but I couldn't possibly suggest you watch it.

Click here for previous The Review.

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