Friday, January 11, 2019

The Review: Solo

Solo 2/10

This movie was boring! It sounds weird to say that considering that this movie is mostly running, shooting, more running, more shooting, running while shooting, and a little bit of story tossed in there. I have seen all but one of the Star Wars movies and have watched them in actual order which no fan of Star Wars will ever suggest you do. Solo is about Han Solo and his origins. Turns out he has not grown or changed from this movie to later ones. It felt like I was watching a really expensive cosplay film. The one thing I did like was that robot L3. That's about it really. Oh, and Donald Glover was good. Maybe the entire film could've just been about him and the root. That would have been interesting. The double crosses got old and it felt like anyone that had a vague idea of Han Solo could have done this. Maybe these new Star Wars films should just make a new movie with no reference to the old ones.

Click here for previous The Review.

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