Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Review: Aquaman

Aquaman 3/10

I finally watched Aquaman. This movie came out during last year when I put my foot down and decided that I was not gonna rush out and see every superhero movie that came out. This is on HBO so I decided to watch it. I was shocked at how long it was. I was not shocked by how long it felt. This is an origin story even though we've already seen Arthur/Aquaman before. In this movie he earns his title and defends Earth against Atlantians and Atlantians against themselves and finds his mother who he thought was dead and has been gone for decades. I did not expect this to be a good movie. I wasn't even looking to be surprised by it being better than I'd hoped like Shazam because you can not make this character entertaining by himself using the cast they have. Is it better than Justice League? Yeah. That's not a difficult task. But it was long and they crammed in way too much shit. Black Manta was wack as shit. The main bad guy whose name I can't even think of right now was lame. And I knew he would hook up with Mera as soon as she showed up.

I imagine the script for this being three pages for the star. He just chuckles, says something quippy, or grunts his way through this. Though this movie was not good it did have really creative fight scenes...on land. The underwater fights were very much whatever. It looked like a fancy cut scene from a video game. But the first battle with Aquaman's mama fighting soldiers was great looking as well as the chase through Italy. I wouldn't suggest watching this but if it is on and you need to do some cleaning or just mute it and watch a wet Momoa knock yourself out. Zero desire to see this character grow or get sequels and no need to see ore of Atlantis. I'm also sick of seeing the same twenty actors and actresses playing heroes in both DC and Marvel films.

Jason Momoa as Arthur
Amber Heard as Mera
Willem Dafoe as Vulko
Click here for previous The Review.

1 comment:

  1. I managed to watch the first 20 minutes of this movie before I paused it, went to the bathroom, and then just turned it off. So awful. How did I make it through Blade: Trinity but couldn't watch The Aquaman? Is Wesley Snipes just that good? Yeah. Yeah, It's probably that.
