Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sitting In The Aisle: Parasite

Parasite 10/10

The hype you have heard about Parasite is worth it. I made sure not to know anything about this movie going in and saw it with Sarah today. I was not planning on heading out to see this anytime soon even though I love a few of the directors movies. But we headed out and holy shit this movie is good. I am not gonna spoil anything in this review because I would love for people to just go see this and take it in without a lot of knowledge. I will say that the story is great, the look is amazing. Dirty things look disgusting and clean things look brand damn new. Everyone was perfectly cast. I can not imagine someone seeing this and going “It was okay...” I probably wouldn't see a movie with someone again that didn't love this actually.

I will say that a very poor family full of hustlers end up getting into the home and lives of a wealthy family via their son who pretends that he has a degree to teach the wealthy family's daughter English. I thought this movie may be about the son trying to get with this rich girl but is a small percentage of what happens in this. This movie makes you cheer for the poor family, not cheer for them, hope they can get out of this alive, hope the rich family does okay, and by the end of it I told Sarah that it felt like I just had a work out. I am still wrapping my head around what I saw and it is hard to talk about this movie without spoiling it. I do not throw out 10/10 lightly. This has been a rough ass year for movies and something like this made me so damned happy. I hope to see at least three more 10's before the end of the year. Find out where this movie is playing near you and go see it!

Click here for previous Sitting In The Aisle.

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