Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Review: Watchmen Episode 4

Episode 4: If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own

In a show full of weird this show has to do a lot of it to make me say out loud “Wow. That was weird.” This was that episode. It starts with this husband and wife trying to sell eggs on the roadside in front of their house. No one comes. Later that night after they are going to sleep this lady that has been mentioned in previous episodes shows up named Lady Trieu. She offers to buy their home and land and gives them three minutes to make a decision. They are like “Nah” and she mentions how they have no legacy and tried to have a kid but could not years ago. They want her out the house until she is like “Here's your baby. Boom.” She genetically made it for them and they sign over their shit just as three minutes pass on the hourglass. Next thing you know something crashes in the woods nearby and they ask what it is. She says “Its mine.” They fast forward and it is the location where she is building this big ass science clock.

Angela breaks into the heritage center and finds out more about the old man and her family. She also takes the old guys pills to Glass and asks him if he can have his ex see what the pills are for and to hide the chief's Klansman outfit. Angela talks to Laurie who seems pretty sure that Angela knows more about the chiefs death than she is letting on and mentions wheelchair tracks found at the scene. Angela cuts up the old guys wheelchair he left behind and ends up being spotted by some dude wearing a silver bodysuit and goggles. She chases him down and he covers himself in lube and slides into a storm drain in one smooth motion. It was so damned strange. She heads to the station and Laurie is now in charge. They go to talk to Lady Trieu because they use these huge drones that could be associated with what took the old man into the sky days ago. Laurie mentions that Angela, who is in FULL COSTUME, is from Vietnam as well. Trieu in Vietnamese says says that Angela's grandfather has a message for her and Angela says he can tell her his damn self.

Oh, I forgot. On the way to Lady Trieu Laurie has Petey reveal that she was a part of the original Minutemen and her father is The Comedian and her mother was the original Silk Spectre. Shed says that Angela wears a mask to hide her trauma. Lady Trieu's daughter wakes from a nightmare about being driven from her village by soldiers and walking for miles and that her feet still hurt. She asks her mom to walk with her to bed and she says no. Pan over to the old man, Will, chilling. Turns out they are working together, he can walk, and chances are that Trieu's daughter is a clone of her or her mother. Angela's husband Cal was spoken to by Laurie and had to lie which apparently is a thing he absolutely hates doing. I also think that Laurie has a thing for Cal. Just saying.

Now for the super weird. Veidt is out crab fishing at night. Wait. Nope. Those ain't crabs. Them's babies. He is baby fishing. He pulls one out, looks at it, and tosses it back in the water. He finally finds some that are “good” and puts them in a machine that ages them. This is how he gets his servants. He explains to them what they will be for and walks them into his dining room that is littered with the corpses of former clones saying that he had a rough evening. He then has the clones catapult the bodies into the sky using a telescope to see where they go. He says that this place seemed like paradise when he first arrived before realizing that it was a prison. As much as I am loving this show the last episode made it seem like way too many people know who Angela is. The senator knows as well as the like five people near his dumb ass who is obviously up to no good. Laurie and Petey knows. Also, Sister Night looks way scarier in the day than she does at night.

Click here for previous The Review.

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