Monday, November 25, 2019

The Review: Watchmen Episode 6

Episode 6: This Extraordinary Being

Good lord this show. This was probably my favorite episode. I will say the same thing next week because each episode manages to get progressively better. This show should not work. Seriously, its based off of a comic book that while many have read its not talked about as much as the worst superhero movies or shows. Most people know Watchmen from the movie which this show doesn't even follow. Its nuts but great. Last week was Looking Glass' episode. This week belonged to Will Reeves and his history. It starts with an episode of American Hero Story where Hooded Justice is forced to unmask with the threat of a sex tape featuring him coming out if he does not help prove them out. He kicks their asses and worries more about the fact he was cheated on by another hero.

This takes place after Angela housed Will's pills (which sounds like a terrible rap group) and starts reliving moments of his life. He is being decorated as an officer and shit is so racist they have another Black cop pin his star on him. The guy tells him to beware of the cyclops. Of course he has no idea what this means. One night on patrol he watches this guy throw a molotov through a window and stroll away. He gets arrested and released likely right after Will left the station. The other cops tell him they don't know what he is talking about and to keep quiet. Later that night some of his colleagues offer him a lift home. He declines. They trap him in an alley, beat the shit out of him, and hang him. They cut him down before he dies and tells him to stay out of their business...but in a way more racist way.

Will's wife knows he is angry at what happened to his parents when they were children. It turns out she is the baby he found and saved when he was a kid. On the way home after almost being hung he catches some guys about to fuck a couple up. He puts the hood back on and kicks their asses. At home his wife says that people will not want a Black man saving them so he starts painting around his eyes like he's a White dude. The shit works and he makes a name for himself. Captain Metropolis comes to his house and makes an offer to join his team that Hooded Justice inspired. They end up having butt sex and he has to always wear the mask because even though they are heroes not all of them are not racist. Captain Metropolis also doesn't give a fuck about solving issues that pertain to Black folk. Oh, and Will's wife is pregnant.

Will discovers that a hand gesture the cops were using is related to Cyclops. The Minutemen team does not care. This Cyclops shit has to do with hypnotism (by the way I am leaving a lot of shit out) and it happens when one night a theater full of Black people start mauling one another. Will finds out where their hiding spot is and it is owned by the asshole who threw that molotov years prior. We know its years because his kid is older. He shoots the guy dead, bursts into the place with his cop uniform and Hooded Justice mask, kills the KKK/cops, and takes one of their projectors home. His wife decides to leave him after he snaps on his son for dressing like him. Fast forward to Will on the side of the road watching Judd drive by and his tires bursting and then a flashing light. Will had turned a flashlight into a strobe and used that Cyclops technology to make Judd actually hang himself!

Laurie was able to break through for a minute earlier and had Cal talk to her. Try to remind who she is and that they are married and have three kids. Angela finally wake sup in Lady Trieu's place with a tube connect to her arm. Trieu's company are the ones that made the Nostalgia pills Angela downed but they are outlawed now. This episode answered so many questions. What Will had been up to in all those missing years. Hell, you see what traits Angela inherited form him. I love that he had to paint his face white while Angela paints her black before putting on her mask. I don't watch the next time on clips and hate that when I watch reviews they show parts of them or talk about it. I am fine with waiting a week, people.

Click here for previous The Review.

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