Monday, December 2, 2019

The Review: Watchmen Episode 7

Episode 7: An Almost Religious Awe

This is gonna be full of spoilers. This episode was crazy as hell and I feel like I say that every time I watch this show. There are only two more episodes so go but thankfully every weird question I have had has been answered even though they are making even more. Like the elephant. I need to know about that elephant soon! So Laurie is checking in on Judd's wife Jane and letting her know about the Cyclops and how Judd may have had some connection to the Kalvary. She recording a bunch of stuff Angela said while knocked out from the Nostalgia. At first his wife acts surprised before flipping the switch and pressing a button. Laurie stares at her like “What the hell are you doing?” her chairs drops into the floor and she vanishes. Jane places a call and Laurie wakes up in a bunker with Keene who reveals that they plan on turning themselves into Dr. Manhattan's. The fuck?! Oh, before all this Petey was at Looking Glass' house and found a bunch of dead Kalvary members so that's cool.

Back in his manor Veidt has been on trial for the past year. He gets run down by one of the lady clones who is representing the prosecution. The Game Warden points out that Veidt has not spoken for himself all this time. He finally does by standing up and letting the longest of farts rip. I clapped very much like his cheeks did. The Game Warden states that the jury does not need to make a verdict and releases a bunch of pigs inside and proclaims Veidt guilty. I thought a bunch of clones of Veidt were gonna come in. They all stand and point at him laughing like when my teacher in the 2nd grade made me attempt to spell cucaracha on the chalkboard. Not sure what they have planned for him but chances are it's gonna hurt.

Lady Trieu is helping Angela recover from taking an entire bottle of her grandfathers Nostalgia pills. She has this big tube connected to her arm that is said to be going into her grandfather Will's arm. One of the side effects of this is having memories that aren't hers flash into her mind and mixing with her own. We get a glimpse of her childhood in Vietnam. For whatever reason I never thought they would get into this. She comes out of a video store on her tenth birthday with a movie she wants to watch called Sister Night. Her parents tell her to wait until she is older. This guy at a puppet show hands a bag to a guy who blows the fuck up killing her parents. The guy is eventually caught and she asks the lady cop if she can hear the guy. Nope. He is shot dead. She lives in an orphanage until one day her grandmother shows up. She did not have a relationship with her son, Angela's dad, and says they are going to live in Tulsa together.

Then she dies.

I fucking shit you not she drops dead as they are loading the luggage into a cab heading to the airport! In present day Angela and Lady Trieu's daughter have a chat. She tells Angela about her dreams of being an old lady and being in pain. Later when Angela talks to Lady Trieu she confronts her about her daughter. She tells Angela that her daughter is a clone of her mother and that she is giving her memories otherwise she can't truly be her mother. Right? She then leaves to go handle the Millennium Clock which is about to start in a few hours. Cal, Angela's husband, has not been allowed to come see her while she was inside the facility. Angela follows her tube when she is alone and bangs on the door where Will, her grandfather, is. She gets inside and there is a goddamn elephant. What?! She rips out the tube and faints. She finds a room with a globe and the main spot where the calls from those Doctor Manhattan booths go to. Lady Trieu says that Manhattan is in Tulsa living as a human. Angela says she is crazy and escapes.

Angela gets home and Cal looks super concerned. She tells him to stop talking and that she loves him, he is her best friend, and a great father. Then she bashes his head in with a hammer and pulls out a little Doctor Manhattan metal thing out of his head and a blue glow happens. I had heard someone theorize that he could be him based on his responses to stuff and his “accident” and memory loss. I am still gonna miss seeing Cal because I liked how weird he was. Just a few more episodes of this to go and I have no idea what is gonna happen when that clock goes online. What is the Kalvary gonna do? Where is Looking Glass?! Is Will an elephant?! So many questions!

Click here for previous The Review.

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