Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Review: Coherence

Coherence 4/10

This movie Coherence was aggravating. This will be full of spoilers because I can not complain without spoiling things. A group of friends that don't really seem like friends at all have a dinner party. They spend a lot of time riffing and it feels like nothing was written well and people are talking over one another trying to “get their shit in.” The power goes out and everyone freaks out and lights candles and grab glow sticks. There are weird notes left on the door as someone inside is still writing that same note. Oh, I forgot to mention a comet flew by. That happened. No phones and no internet. They all head outside and see that all the lights are out on the street except for one other house. Two dudes leave and eventually come back. Oh lord. I have having trouble even trying to explain this. People drink that shouldn't be drinking. People start worrying about shit that can wait till tomorrow because way too much freaky shit is happening like the fact that the house down the street has copies of themselves inside. Yeah, I get it. Ex is here. Fuck that. There are clones!

One of the ladies heads outside and sees better and worse versions of their reality. She finds one house and is like “I want that...” Bobby Duke Arts style. Now she wants to stay in this reality. She bonks that version of herself on the head and pretends everything is fine and the toilet is just stuck. The next day she is in this happy world and her husband hands her her ring that she dropped. His phone rings and it is her on the phone and looking at him at the same time! So yeah. This is not a terrible movie. What bothers me is that this should have been good. It has an interesting premise. I read this information after watching the movie but the actors and actresses did not have a script. They were allowed to just jazz their way through this and I felt it from the start. If this was played out like a straight film it would have been way better. There were too many scenes with folks just yelling trying to get the last line. I wouldn't mind seeing this redone but with an actual script, better camera work, and just...just tighten everything. That is weird to say considering this wasn't even ninety minutes long. This would have been a good episode of a bigger weird series.

Emily Baldoni as Emily
Maury Sterling as Kevin
Nicholas Brendon as Mike
Lorene Scafaria as Lee
Hugo Armstrong as Hugh
Elizabeth Gracen as Beth
Alex Manugian as Amir
Lauren Maher as Laurie

Click here for previous The Review.

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