Monday, December 9, 2019

The Review: Watchmen Episode 8

Episode 8: A God Walks Into Abar

Every damn week I sit here and say that each new episode is the best one and that trend continues this week. This episode jumps all over the place through multiple time periods, people, and planets so I am not gonna even sit here and try to recap it in a linear way because the episode is not linear. It starts off in 2009 and Angela is sitting in a bar having a drink. Doctor Manhattan shows up walking down the street after a parade in his honor and picks up a mask and puts it on. He walks into the bar and sits with Angela and asks her to go to dinner with him. He also tells her that he is Doctor Manhattan and she says that is bad since she says him killing for the US during Vietnam created the man that decided to blow her parents up as a child and this night is the anniversary of their deaths. He apologizes and begins to drive her crazy because he is experiencing the past, present, and future all at the same time. He mentions that they will get married, have adopted children, and how they will break up but get back together and have ten wonderful years that end in tragedy.

Doctor Manhattan talks about his childhood and meeting this nice couple he watched get ready to bone down. They are the clones that he made and put on a moon of Jupiter. They worshiped him like a god and he got bored with it. This is the place he put Veidt who thought it was a great place until it wasn't anymore. Oh, Veidt shows him a device he created that will block out Doctor Manhattan's memory as well as his powers unless there is some life or death situation. We get to see that Veidt, after his trial, sits in a cell and has tomatoes rubbed in his face daily as punishment. He gets another cake for another year that has passed with him there and there is a horseshoe inside. He laughs like a madman and starts digging in his cell.

In present day Doctor Manhattan is out of it after Angela pulls the thing out his head (he showed her how to insert it years prior). He starts making pancakes. He heads upstairs and next thing he is standing in the pool. The kids freak out and Angela says it is Cal. He teleports the kids to a theater with Will and says the Kalvary are here. Angela heads outside and starts taking them all out until she is overwhelmed. Doctor Manhattan starts vaporizing their asses and everything seems good...until it isn't. I swear, every time Angela cursed in this episode I said the same thing at the same time.

I am too damn excited to see how this season wraps up next week. This show can have an entire episode not showing other people and things happening in the show and I am confident that these things will be handled next week. There has still be no word on what happened to Looking Glass. Laurie was nowhere to be seen. Is that clock gonna finally turn on? So many questions! I really like this show and wish that there were at least two more people I knew that watched it so I could ramble about it. This is one of the best pure seasons of a show that has ever been made. The way things have tied together has been so damned good. Every question I have had has been answered. Just perfect writing, acting, music, directing. I mean...damn.

Click here for previous The Review.

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