Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Review: Dead Man's Line

Dead Man's Line 6/10

I found this crazy ass documentary that came out last year called Dead Man's Line. This is about a hostage situation that happened in Indianapolis in February of 1977. Tony Kiritsis took Richard Hall hostage for 63 hours. Since this took place in '77 there are cameras and audio of everything that went down. Kiritsis was upset because he was falling behind on payments on real estate and thought that Hall and his father wanted the property for themselves. He attached a wire around Hall's neck connected to a shotgun pressed to the back of his head and if he were killed the gun would go off. I shit you not, I have never heard of this incident ever in my life or heard someone as high on themselves as Kiritsis was. I am shocked that he never spread his arms and declared himself a god among men. While holding Hall hostage he also wired his place to explode. It also turned out that he did this same gun technique on his own sister a few years prior. How was this guy free?!

I liked that they had the police involved in this as it happened. They had different points of view from the mayor at the time, police, and the media who fucked up so many times by announcing how police were gonna take down Kiritsis knowing good and damn well that he was watching the TV like a hawk. If this happened today it would be broadcast on an app. Just when I thought this situation was over this son of a bitch just could not stop rambling. While I enjoyed this and all its nutty glory it felt way too long. I know they had access to a lot of footage and it started to feel like they were gonna use all of it. This could have been a three part thing to give more space to the people involved. The stuff about Kiritsis' life felt shoehorned in. I don't know shit about Hall and he was the one with a shotgun to his skull for days. The way this all wrapped up made me ask “The fuck...?” out loud. Check it out on Amazon if you feel like it.

Click here for previous The Review.

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