Monday, January 27, 2020

The Review: Melinda

Melinda 8/10

I was tricked into watching a real movie! Well, not trick. Miss Jackie has been watching a bunch of these crazy ass films and suggested I check this one out. It is called Melinda and was made in 1972. This is about a radio disc jockey named Frankie J. Parker. By the way, radio DJ was the job to want even through the 80's. These days people are made journalists or bloggers. Not decades ago though. DJ's got all the ass. He goes to take karate lessons and then he gets his ass kicked and leaves. I was mad because I thought this entire movie was karate based. I calmed down and continued watching. This lady from Chicago shows up and her name is Melinda. She meets Frankie at a nightclub and in his mind he knows he is gonna have the hit 70's sex with her. He is cocky as hell. So yeah. They have the sex. Some big ass dude with an afro follows them there and listens to them have the sex and it looks like it is so good that he climaxes just from hearing it.

The next day Frankie returns home and her ass is dead. The cops come and rough up Frankie but he gets out of custody. While driving around this chick says her car isn't working and can he drop her off. He agrees with the look of sex in his eyes. She pulls out a gun and he speeds up the car and slams on the brakes making her...dizzy. He brings her to his place and she says she ain't saying anything. He slaps her around and she says she was told to bring him to a spot and that's it. She runs to the ocean and he beach slaps her and leaves her. So she ends up dead. Now he got two dead women on his hands! This evil old dude wants something that he thinks Frankie has that Melinda was carrying. Turns out Melinda is named Audrey and she was his mistress.

Frankie puts the life of his ex Terry's life in danger by asking her to get something out of a security box that belongs to the dead woman. It is a gold cigarette case. That's it. This dude named Tank who Frankie was cool with works for Mitch so when Frankie needed information he would just slap him up a bit. They don't show this clearly, but it turns out that in the case was a tape recording of Mitch monologuing his evil plan that got someone assassinated. Terry ends up kidnapped and put in a cage with snakes. Frankie gets his karate friends to come and they start doing some of the worst choreographed fight scenes you will witness. People get kicked right and fly left. By the way, everyone knows karate. One dude gets shot in the shin and that was some of the best acting I have ever seen period. When he went down I believed that shit.

So Frankie makes his way back to Mitch's place and kicks his ass. He literally kicks, bitch slaps, punches, karate kicks, dick kicks, and flips his ass all over his own house. The disrespect! He starts drowning him until his karate teacher tells him that's enough and leaves. Oh, one scene that made me say “Shut your damn mouth!” was when Frankie karate kicked the lock off the snake cage and Terry started screaming at the top of her lungs. There is a sniper in the window! There is this weird thing in these movies where they have a super flamboyant dude for whatever reason. I ended up finding this on Youtube. Like the whole damn movie. It is kinda long because there are a lot of shots that just drag on. And I imagine there was barely a budget for music because there are some scenes where you just hear stock screaming and punches that sound like someone dropped a melon.

Calvin Lockhart as Frankie J. Parker
Rosalind Cash as Terry Davis
Vonetta McGee as Melinda
Paul Stevens as Mitch
Rockne Tarkington as Tank
Ross Hagen as Gregg Van
Renny Roker as Dennis Smith
Judyann Elder as Gloria
Jim Kelly as Charles Atkins
Jan Tice as Marcia

Click here for previous The Review.

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