Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Review: Women In Cages

Women In Cages 1/10

This movie stank. There are bad movies that are good at their badness and there are just straight up bad ones. Women in Cages was a bad one that tried to have a message. I think the message of this one is not to end up in prison overseas and/or if you are gonna pay for sex to make sure its overseas. And you're not a woman because you will end up a sex slave on a boat or a sex slave in prison to Pam Grier. Yes, I have watched another movie with her. That is like three this week. I'm on a roll. This is about a woman that finds out her boyfriend runs a hooker ship with gambling and drugs. I don't think you can legally run one without the other two. He stashes some of his shit in her purse and she ends up caught and sent to lady prison. In lady prison the warden lady sleeps with you and if she feels like it tortures you in various ways. Then try to sleep with you still. Its confusing. For penis.

One day they escape and take the warden with them. The ladies drop one by one until the one that is super into drugs ends up getting them caught and brought to the sex boat. We have come full circle. They end up escaping and everything goes back to business as usual. Literally. They take a few shots at everyone escaping, watch them sail away slowly, and says “Okay. Ladies back to work.” No credits. The movie just went to black. I only gave the movie a 1/10 because there is a hot scene with Grier.

Jennifer Gan as Carol “Jeff” Jeffries
Pam Grier as Alabama
Judy Brown as Collier
Roberta Collins as Stokes

Click here for previous The Review.

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