Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Review: Men In Black International

Men In Black International 1/10

Why was this made? Who was this for? Who wrote this? Some of the questions I had while watching Men In Black International. One thing I understood about this movie was why they cast the people they did but even with their combined beauty, talent, and charm they could not help what was a story that was weak and thin as school tissue. This lady Molly's parents were zapped by MIB after seeing aliens to forget what they saw when she was little wants to be an agent. The agents knew they had a kid but did not bother to head upstairs and zap her while they were at it. She meets a little alien and lets him go free and I immediately knew how this movie was gonna end. She easily finds the location of the MIB because pigeons flew through the force field. It was really that easy for anyone to find them.

Molly becomes Agent M and she meets Agent H. The rest of the movie is mad cap adventures around the world! The MIB cover is blown as far as I'm concerned. There are so many instances of doing some crazy shit, erasing people's memory, then doing something even crazier immediately afterward. There was never a sense of danger even though the world was at stake which seems difficult to do. The villains were dancers that did not talk and were super powerful but somehow not scary at the same time. None of the humor hit. It felt like someone would think of something funny and then someone would try to say something funnier but the first thing wasn't funny so...yeah. It wasn't like the acting in this or the directing was at fault. The story was just so damned weak it had no chance to be entertaining to me.

Chris Hemsworth as Henry/Agent H
Tessa Thompson as Molly Wright/Agent M
Liam Neeson as High T

Click here for previous The Review.

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