Sunday, January 5, 2020

Best Series Of 2019

Here is a list of the series I watched the past year. More than I expected to watch considering I don't get into many new shows. I just sit around and wait for a couple to return or suddenly find out that it was canceled or get mad that a show is still going on after it wore out its welcome. Mot of my favorite series are based off of comic books with two of them being shows I didn't even plan on watching. I have never done a list like this regarding shows I watched so I am keeping it formatted like by Best Movies Of The Year 2019 and Worst Movies Of The Year 2019 and Honorable Mentions. I honestly did not expect 2019 to have as many good shows as it did which is awesome. Hell, and I even missed a few that I'll have to catch up on this year. Seriously. Legion should be everyone's favorite show.

"I have been enjoying the shit out of this season. I know a lot of people are mad and want another season or a redo of this season. I grew up in a world where shows just disappeared with no goodbye so when I see all these people whining harder about this than how their own parents raised them to be such shit birds I get annoyed. Then I get entertained."

So sad that people hated this season so much and that when getting all my reviews ready I actually forgot that this aired just months ago. This series and all the rage it caused feels like it was actual years ago. Hell, since it ended there was another show being made, canceled, rumored to not be canceled, but is actually not happening. I'm not upset about it. I have the books sitting across the room and haven't started them yet but from what I have read about the books I know that it is very different from the series. I also know the author of the books is not in a rush to make a ending that is better than the one the HBO series gave us. I had no issue with how the series ended. I laughed, cheered, gasped, and got mad at characters too much during the season to sit here and pretend that I didn't enjoy the fuck out of this.

"What a great season of television! I was not excited about this show being made after watching the trailer but the first episode yanked my ass right into it and never let go. The acting, the story, the music, the characters were all so damned good! I have zero complaints and nothing but praise for this series and how it was done."

When the trailer first came out I shit all over it. I was so annoyed that I didn't even bother writing a post about how stupid it was to make this. I liked the comic book. I liked the movie until I watched it again and realized that I like the fight scenes in the movie. And then years later realized that the movie just looks cool but is pretty dumb. The guy who created wants nothing to do with anything related to it. There was a group that looked like Rorschach. In my head there was so much working against it that it was doomed to suck. Then I watched it and immediately got hooked. Everything about this show is good. Everything. There is not a single thing I could even begin to suggest they change to improve something. Every question I had was answered by the time the season ended. You know how good this was? I don't need another season of it. The story is done as far as the writer for it has said. He said someone else could create a whole 'nother Watchmen story with none of these characters which is true. But I suggest no one try. I wanna read that statement from myself two years from now and laugh.

"I seriously liked this show. I did not think I would and it turned out to be a show I had to stop watching last night and save some for today. Ten episodes were perfect. My only complaint really is the sound which seems to be a Netflix issue. I had to turn my captions on by episode three because while the talking would be low the shouts and gunfire would be loud as shit."

I vaguely knew that this was based off of a comic book since I had never read of it. I saw posters for this and thought it looked stupid and told me nothing about it. Netflix is notorious for having the absolute worst posters and ads for their shows. I don't even remember what made me give this show a try but I did and am glad because this was for sure one of my favorite series in recent years. Every character in this gets to shine and their story explained even ones I didn't care about. Meaning there is one character I think sucks but then I found out why she sucks and then she finds out why she sucks and all hell breaks loose. It ends on such an insane cliffhanger that they absolutely need to make another season. I ended up blowing through this season way faster than I expected to. I just read that season two is currently being made. Good.

"I usually have to do a deep dive to remember what happened on each episode before writing these reviews but with this show I don't. They made things memorable. If you aren't even a fan of Star Wars this is a series that you can watch and fall in love with. There are only eight episodes and the longest is close to fifty minutes which makes it easy to watch, remember, and enjoy. If you are on the fence I suggest you check it out."

I had zero desire to watch this show but once I started I was all the way in. This was a space Western in the best of ways with characters, no matter how small their role, were perfectly cast. The fact that I had to wait a week in between viewings, and two for the finale, gave me time to research more of the lore of the characters and creatures in it. As much as I enjoy binging through a series I could not do that with most of these and that helped me allow things to sink in and actually makes things more memorable. This was by far the most fun series I watched this year. Another season is currently in production.

"This show has a fish man committing sexual assault, a tiny man diving into a lady's vajayjay, a very religious hero that is all the way gay but sponsors pray the gay away programs, and a beloved hero that is jealous of a baby and the attention it gets. Its fucked up and brilliant."

Such violence! I know that is what most people took away from this show and I can't be mad. It is pretty damn violent. This, like Watchmen, is a show that shouldn't work. After seeing so much gore and the shittiest human beings ever it seems like it should get old real quick but it doesn't. This show somehow managed to stay interesting every single episode. There is not one throwaway episode the entire season which is something I can say for every series I enjoyed this year. They also kept things to ten episodes or less which is the limit. If you can do a show in eight and be good that is groovy. Y'all can keep those CW shows with twenty-something episodes with breaks in between that run for years. The last scene of the finale made me scream at my screen and hope that another season would be made. It is coming out this year. Yay!!!

Dishonorable Mention

"It. Is. Too. Much. And what did I learn from this season? That it should not continue, really. I liked the first season. Liked the second even better. But this one felt like a bunch of odd filler episodes until the real story got going."

The nerve of people to get mad that this was canceled. I have stated that the first two seasons were good. The third season was a piece of shit that got cocky. The creator of the series even stated that they had like a five season story set up and likely assumed that they would be around to create it. Nope. They fucked up by making a third season that was nothing but fillers. It is rare for a series to do that but not unheard of. This show had something in the last scene of the last episode that made me actually say fuck this show and take a glib pride in the fact that it was canceled. Not because people are now out of work or anything like that. But I do hope that it let people see that you are not guaranteed another series and you can't coast the way this season did. I can't even remember why I gave it a 3/10 and not something lower. Probably because I like that actress Ramona Young.

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