Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Review: Hunters Episode 1

Hunters Episode 1: In The Belly of The Whale

Every review will be full of spoilers. I did not plan on watching this show really. I had added it to my watch list and it kinda sat there. I wasn't sure if I would have any interest in watching a show about people hunting Nazis starring Al Pacino. As honestly it took a little bit into the first episode to keep me watching even after Miss Jackie suggested I give it a try. While I enjoyed the first episode this is not one of those shows I will plow through in a week even though every episode is available to watch right now on Amazon. I also suggest having captions on because like most streaming shows the sound is not that good. This starts off with this nice ass looking barbecue at this dude Biff Simpson's place in 1977. One of his new associates shows up and she sees Biff and starts flipping the fuck out. At first I thought she had too many disco biscuits. Her husband is not sure what's going on as she keeps calling him a butcher and a Nazi. He reaches under the grill and starts blasting folks.

He shoots his guests. He shoots his wife. He shoots his kids. He says to the lady (who has exactly the kinda face that is my jam!) that he has spent the last thirty years building this life and that the time is now and the Nazis are everywhere. Then he shoots her. This dude named Travis shows up and he is the cleanup man. If you are rich and powerful enough to shoot a houseful of people you have to know q cleanup man. He gets out his rubber gloves and has to shoot Biff to make it look like an attempt on his life was made and he survived. Meanwhile in Brooklyn this kid named Jonah is hanging with his two friends slanging weed. I had to get over that kids bad afro and his other friend that looks 30 years old. He gets his ass kicked selling weed to a racist dude.

He heads home to his grandmother and she talks about how smart he is and then discovers that he is a drug dealer. Later that night he hears her talking to someone downstairs and she gets shot. This guy Meyer Offerman talks to him after he flips his shit after the funeral. He tells him to call him if he ever needs anything. Jonah starts looking into his grandmother's life and finds a gold dagger. He finds this street gang and tries to get information out of them by giving away weed when cops swarm in and arrest his dumb ass. Offerman ends up bailing him out and telling some terrible ass stories from the Holocaust. After Offerman leaves the room Jonah unlocks a secret room and sees that Offerman has a bunch of photos and clues as to who killed his grandmother. He grabs the photo and runs out the house. He sees a car with a balloon on it just like the one in the photo he took and decides to confront this old man.

For a second I for real thought the kid was losing it and about to stab an innocent old man until you see that he has an X mark on his throat like the man in the story Offerman told him who would make people play real life chess and kill one another at the concentration camps. This boy has zero fighting ability and is overpowered by the old man and ends up tied to a chair with darts being thrown at him. He breaks free and stabs the guy with a dart in the eye and when he is about to get his non-fighting ass killed suddenly Offerman stabs the Nazi dude in the throat killing him letting him know as he is dying who he is avenging. He takes Jonah to his place and introduces him to his team of hunters and you see that they have been following Jonah around the city since the start of the episode since his grandmother was killed.

There is a backstory with an FBI agent named Millie Morris that is investigating the death of this old lady who was showering butt booty ass naked (naturally) when the water turns into yellow gas killing her. The guy who was in her place is that Travis guy I believe. She heads to NASA where the old woman used to work and is blown off but one guy tells her to watch her back. She later finds a picture of Hitler straight up chilling with the old woman. I think it was her. Still not sure. Leave me alone. Its the first episode.

Travis heads to a bowling alley to threaten a congressman. The guy starts acting all tough until Travis knocks one guy out with a bowling ball and cracks the teeth of another and lets him know that he has spoken to his son and knows everything about him. He later meets with a powerful Nazi woman who says that their plans are coming along nicely as they both stare into the sky wallowing in their racistness. Like legit staring into the sky with tears building in their eyes. This was a really good start and I'll be checking out more episodes in a couple days. Again, not gonna binge watch this like other shows. Fuck around and run out of things to watch. Why you think I haven't posted anything in a week and a half?

Click here for previous The Review.

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