Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Review: Hunters Episode 2

Hunters Episode 2: The Mourner's Kaddish

This entire episode made me want to punch Jonah in his face. This show is weird in that the hour flies by like half an hour. This starts off with a great introduction to the entire team. There are so many of them and within a minute or two they showed who all of them were and what they were good at. They didn't need to do an entire episode focused on each of them and it kept the story moving. The team head to a secret base built by Jonah's grandmother and he spots a note and is able to decipher it. They have a name and location to track down.

The detective Millie is trying to figure out information about the old lady killed in the shower with gas who was also working with NASA. Her people say that all her information and that of her brothers is missing which means this shit goes up high. Millie heads to the home of this old lady whose husband was a dentist for the Red Cross. Yeah. Sure. She snoops around and finds a tin full of teeth! The old lady busts her and she heads home to her girlfriend.

Meanwhile creepy ass Nazi dude Travis is on a plane explaining to a mother and child who is allergic to peanuts (as he munches on a bag) on the plane how diseases wipe out the weak. He is later seen butt banging this guy in a plot to exhort him for future needs. I mean talk about giving it all for the team. Oh, and then he heads to this guys place who Millie gave information to and he has him, a pregnant woman, and another girl tied up at a table shooting their legs until they give information. The guy does only after each woman is shot. Then presumably he kills all of them and a flamingo on the way out because they stink.

The team find the guy they are looking for and tie him up and threaten to blow his ears out with Little Richard music after the discover he is broadcasting some message to German people over the radio. While they try to figure out what it means the guy tricks Jonah's dumb ass to get close enough to be attacked. One of the team members has to shoot the guy which also shoots the radio ending the broadcast so now they have no information and the people listening know something is up after they call and evil music man doesn't answer. Jonah can not deal with the fact he caused someone to get killed and flips his shit. I have not mentioned his friends back home who miss him because I kinda hope they don't appear on the show anymore.

Click here for previous The Review.

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