Friday, March 6, 2020

The Review: Hunters Episode 3

Hunters Episode 3: While Visions of Safta Danced in His Head

Time for another review of Hunters on Amazon. I was trying to describe the pacing of this show to a friend and had trouble before realizing that it has something to do with the information dumps. Each episode flies by for being an hour long but the parts that I don't enjoy seem to make the show fully stop. They are important parts I guess but since I don't like certain characters it drags and then the last ten minutes so much happens. Thankfully a character I couldn't stand ends up dead. This starts with Jonah not handling the death of that Nazi dude well and going thorough some old letters that belonged to his grandmother. In one he finds out that Offerman is the one that gave her a number tattoo in Auschwitz. He is later told a story about how well known his grandmother was in the camps for her bravery. It was a cool story but having his friend Bootyhole there felt out of place to me and had me suspicious.

The older couple is decoding the tapes found at the Nazi studio and after some bickering accidentally discover that there is Morse code being used and that corresponds with tragic events and assassinations. Their part of the story was such an information dump. Jonah comes and visits them and they remind him he is like his grandmother. Other members of the team are staking out the Nazi studio and movement is spotted. The lady ends up battling a Nazi ninja woman after they see that the entire studio is cleaned as if there had not been a murder and damage done. The Nazi woman is killed with a stick through the throat. Also the nun member of the team is a traitor for some reason. (shrugs) I don't know.

Travis is walking around being creepy stalking the FBI lady and sees she has a girlfriend. FBI lady is putting the pieces together regarding old Nazis being killed. Biff, the guy that shot his family at the barbecue, feels useless because he is just sitting at home healing. His dead wife's mother shows up to support him. At the Nazi headquarters one of the guys is upset because his sister has not returned. She was the Nazi ninja. Offerman visits Jonah at work and Jonah lets Offerman know that this is not the life for him. He and Bootyhole and Cheeks (I fucking hate these names) head to Coney Island to get high and have a boring ass conversation and a dance scene happens and as much as I love the weird shit in the show this felt strange and forced. And that kids afro looks way worse in the sun. Jonah starts seeing more visions of a young version of his grandmother.

Travis disguised as a cop finds Jonah's name in a jacket he left at the toy store Nazis place. Why in the fuck did he leave his jacket anyway?! Travis heads to his home and then his job. Meanwhile Jonah is talking to this girl I guess he had a thing for. This scene was a good example of the writing of this show. Starting to realize that too many characters talk the same and are just not that interesting when in small groups. If there are three or less people talking it is pretty dull. They leave and head to Jonah's job where Bootyhole is at. Travis asks if Boootyhole knows Jonah and he says he is Jonah by using a bunch of Jewish stereotypes which made zero sense. He stabs Travis' hand and gets two bullets in the back. Jonah arrives and finds him dead. Yay! No more Bootyhole!

I left out so much stuff. There is just way too much information that gets dropped at once. I like this show but I am starting to not like it as much. I absolutely do not like Jonah's and his friends. They are so boring. Offerman is starting to feel like a bit player even though he is the leader of the team. They are shoehorning this relationship with two members of the team. The actor dude on the team, I'm not fucking sure what he even does. The only members that have made any progress are the old couple and the nun who is a traitor. This is ten episodes. They have one more to hook me or I'm tapping out.

Click here for previous The Review.

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