Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Review: Lady Colt

Lola Colt 1/10

Okay. I am trying to be fair. I watched this and could not enjoy this for shit. This movie Lola Colt was not good. The story was stupid. The audio was horrible. The acting was about the amount of acting you would expect from a Western from this time period but somehow worse. This group of lady dancers show up to this ain't shit town that is being attacked by a gang lead by El Diablo. One of the dancers is sick and they stay while she gets better and inspire the townspeople to fight back against the gang. All it took was a sexy looking woman to get them going! Actually the only kid in the town gets killed and they decide to fight. I watched most of this squinting not because I could not see what was happening but because I was trying to understand what I was watching. This was a waste of time and an experiment. I am trying to prove Miss Jackie's mother wrong and hoping the star is actually a good actress. So far she is 0-2.

Lola Falana as Lola Gatz
Peter Martell as Rod
Germán Cobos as Larry/El Diablo
Tom Felleghy as Don Rodriguez
Evar Maran as Don Pedro
Erna Schürer as Rose Rodriguez
Dada Gallotti as Virginia

Click here for previous The Review.

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