Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Review: White Savior Racism In The American Church

White Savior: Racism In The American Church 8/10

"Sometimes 'What can I do?' is just shut up."

I just watched this really informative documentary on Amazon called White Savior Racism In The American Church. That is a long ass title. This was just an hour long and I would have watched a three part series because they cover a lot of information in an hour. That is an issue I have found with race based documentaries. There are attempts made to cover about 400 years of history in a short amount of time and I end up just opening twenty tabs looking up the information they are talking about. By the way, stay out of the comments section of this on Amazon. Jesus. People are horrible. Folks have a tendency to take factual history as a personal attack on them right now. This is going to be a review of the documentary sort of as well as ramblings from me because I don't do that as much as I used to on this site.

Like I said, they cover a lot of stuff in an hour. They talk about how Christianity was used throughout history to enslave people, take what they wanted in the name of god, kill, or all three. They bring up one woman who was like “I already got baptized so kick rocks!” so she and her son could not be slaves. They legit change the rules so that if they wanted Black people as slaves they could still do it in the name of god. Native Americans (because I seriously don't know what term people prefer right now) also got it even before Africans were brought to America having their land straight up taken away in the name of god. They also show how they too were converted to Christianity.

They also touch on how churches that consist mostly of White people operate and...okay. There is too much in this to talk about. Even the current walks and marches for the rights of women get it. If you are interested in this documentary just check it out. Its time for me to ramble. I am not a Christian. I have a lot of family that are or just call themselves so because whatever. Judging from this they are just following what our ancestors had forced upon them. When they showed a bunch of clips of Jesus being portrayed as Caucasian in this I remembered back to when I was little and having zero issues with that. The main reason is because I didn't think dude actually existed. Why would I be upset about a fictional character looking a certain way? Fast forward to me doing exactly that when it comes to comic book based films. I never considered Jesus as a real person and thought he was just a dude in a story so I never thought of the impact having him look the way he is portrayed would have on people.

This documentary does not say that Christianity is bad and that if you are a person of color that you should stop it and find something else to do. The way most humans act if they did not have some form of it they would act like wild animals. This consists of people of multiple nationalities that practice it and have their own churches all over the country. It is just letting you know how this strange thing arrived in this country and why you family and your participate in it and it is not a pretty picture.

Click here for previous The Review.

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