Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Review: Darktown Strutters (1975)

Darktown Strutters DAFUCK/10

This movie was written in three days. And by three days that probably means one hour each day. I just finished watching this...thing called Darktown Strutters with Miss Jackie. We messaged back and forth during the entire movie since she contacted me first about it. I was gonna wait till morning but ended up watching it tonight. I am gonna end up having to sleep on this one and finish this in the morning because this thing called a movie was likely one of the most insane things I have ever seen. If not the most it is definitely top three. Before I begin though here are some quotes from me as I watched.

Zooming in on those flat booties.
What do you have me watching?!
I think they are in LA.
This movie is a fever dream.
A bazooka!
I don't know if these guys are horny or hungry.
Why is the pig in a thong?
A story HAS to happen eventually.
He got a fuck hat?
I want a fuck hat!
I know a trap house when I see one.
Where slaves come from?!
Oh no not Colonel Sanders.
Oh no my nun fetish.
Motorcycle tramp? New insult!
The script for this had to look like what Jack Torrance in The Shining wrote.
There is always a weird gay man!
Where did you find this movie?!
I love how I expect an ending that makes sense.
So her mom is missing because she is doing abortions?
This is like the worst variety show.
She just slapped him with ribs!
He cloning Black people to get votes.
This movie is almost over and she is dancing and her mother is missing.
Why does she run like a duck before it flies?
That skeleton talked!
That's how it ends?!
That...that was definitely filmed.

That pretty much sums up this movie. A motorcycle gang of women head into town because one of their mothers is missing. But first they dance and fight off Marines with pie. She decides to investigate what happened to her mother while dressing as a nun to get some dirt as well as dressing as a cop. The cops in this are the same four guys and have a police car with the world's largest siren. She discovers that this fake Colonel Sanders dude is running a weird as cult where he has for real slaves picking cotton and kidnapping and cloning Black people to get more votes. He also has Klan members with goggles on bikes. That is as close as I can get to describing this movie. There is shit in this that makes zero sense which is why I can not give this a regular number rating. I couldn't suggest this and I also would not tell you not to watch this. It is a fever dream filmed and available on Amazon and YouTube.

Trina Parks as Syreena
Edna Richardson as Carmen
Bettye Sweet as Miranda
Shirley Washington as Theda
Roger E. Mosley as Mellow
Christopher Joy as Wired
Stan Shaw as Raunchy

Click here for previous The Review.

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