Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Review: Ozark Season 3 Episodes 9/10 (Finale)

Ozark Season Three 11/10

Episode 9 “Fire Pink”

This damn show. I swear. I watched the last two episodes with CK and thankfully we were able to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender afterward because even though it was bright and sunny today this show was shaking the hell out of us. Ben is in a taxi rambling his ass off. It turns out this is a flashback as he heads to Helen's place. It is minutes of him going on an emotional roller coaster. He ruined Helen's life by telling her daughter what she does for a living. Helen heads over to talk to Wendy knowing that Ben was released but Wendy doesn't know what Ben has done just yet. Marty calls and lets Wendy know and she stands there with Helen in her face trying her best to pretend she don't know. We kept on calling Helen a viper because that is what she legit is.

Marty goes to Ruth's place to talk to her and Ben pulls up and starts getting all in his face. Marty tells Ruth that Ben talked to Helen. Ruth heads in the trailer and grabs a shotgun and screams at Ben to get in the fucking car as they head to Darlene's house. At home Wendy is talking to Helen when her daughter bursts in with the kids. Jonah already admitted that their family does dirty shit and Helen's daughter doesn't even want to look at her mother knowing who she really is and wants to go back home. At this point you know that Ben is as good as dead. There is no way the family can protect his ass after all the trouble he has caused. Wendy says she can get rid of Ben and hide him away. You know Helen ain't letting that shit happen.

Wendy thinks that by convincing Navarro that they are all useful that she can protect her family as well as Ben. Navarro don't wanna hear that shit. Ben shows up at the casino after being left at Darlene's place where it was safe...ish. Marty sees him on the security camera as well as Nelson who is the hitman for Helen and Navarro. He rushes out and grabs his ass on out of there and they hop on a boat. He tries his best to explain to Ben how badly he has fucked up. Ben spends this episode either apologizing for how he fucked up and then immediately coming up with a plan to fix his fuck ups. Ben gets in the car with Wendy and they drive off. What followed was a series of me screaming at the screen at Ben and everything he did.

Wendy tries to explain to her brother that he fucked up huge and you do not mess with powerful people's kids. Ben seems like he gets it until he doesn't moments later. He uses a phone to call Helen and say he is sorry. Wendy smashes it. Then he waits until Wendy is sleeping and starts a ruckus off screen. The next morning, in the parking lot, cops come and know everything about them and even the Navarro connection. Wendy somehow manages to talk them out of even getting out of the car and the cops leave. They stop at a gas station and Ben buys another phone behind Wendy's back. At that point she knows there is no helping him anymore. She just stares at him sitting in the car looking guilty as fuck.

Back home Helen lets Marty know that there is nothing they can do to fix the situation with Ben and that he is fucked. She even low key threatens to kill his kids. Wendy asks Ben where they can go so he feels safe and he says Knoxville. They stop at a restaurant and have a nice meal and chat it up. Wendy asks where Ben sees himself in five years. Ben wants a place with Ruth and dogs and a goat. Wendy excuses herself and leaves without Ben seeing. Moments later Nelson shows up as he sees Ben standing outside. So long, Ben. Wendy calls Marty and she can not stop crying. She pulls over to the side of the ride bawling. Marty tells her that he and the kids love her and want her to come home. This episode was super fucked. I think we paused it twice in the first fifteen minutes!

Episode 10 “All In”

The final episode. This fucking show. It starts off with Wendy heading back to that parking lot she was almost arrested at and grabbing a bottle of vodka and downing it. She stays there overnight again just drinking the entire time. Back home Marty and Ruth meet up with Nelson who is returning with Ben's body in the back of his SUV. Ruth is ultra mega pissed. Marty tells her that she can not go after Helen and sure do not fuck with Nelson because Ben fucked up and there is nothing that can be done about it now. Wendy will not tell Mary where she is and he lets her know that he has Ben's ashes.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Navarro's family was slaughtered! He was watching his newborns christening live when some guys came in and mowed down a bunch of his men and his girlfriend. The baby survived and he had sent his kids to stay with Helen. Navarro is thinking of his kids futures more and asks Helen to split the assets between them. Helen says cool, but she wants to take over Byrde Enterprises. She applies for a casino license in the hopes of taking over their shit once they are dealt with.

Ruth talks to Wyatt about Ben and says she is tired. Wyatt says when something feels off it usually is. Ruth has quit working for Marty and Ruth. Marty is like “You can't quit working for a cartel.” Marty is pissed at agent Maya for going after Sam. He is the dude they were using to launder money at the casino and Maya has been all over his ass. She arrests him after he proposes to his girlfriend with a ring made from his dead mothers ashes. It was as creepy as it sounds. Marty tells Maya that she is fucking up and not actually doing her job that he is making easier by giving her people to catch and that she is just ruining lives and will get him and his family killed just so she can say she is right. I am so over Maya at this point.

Wendy comes back home and Charlotte hugs her and Jonah is like “Why aren't we going after Helen?!” He says that she killed Wendy's brother but they are still gonna work together. He tells his mother he hates her and storms off. Charlotte goes to talk to him but he is not listening to anything she is saying. He is going into Ben mode. Helen tells Wendy and Marty that she needs to move Navarro's assets to his kids and Marty wants to make sure she does not get a casino license. She says she is not. She is lying. Wendy is like “She is going to kill us.” Marty seems to not think so. Wendy calls Navarro and says her brother Ben has been taken care of and he is like “Don't act like I should be grateful.” So, yeah. Wendy actually set her brother up to be killed.

At work Ruth comes up to Wendy and wants to know what happened to Ben. She says that Ben was tracked after he called Helen. Ruth says that Wendy killed her own brother. Wendy is like fuck this. Wendy says Ruth is to blame. Wendy says she told Ruth to stay away. Ruth helped Ben get out of the hospital as well. Ruth says Wendy is shifting the blame just as she did when she had Ruth's father killed. Later that night Wendy tells Marty that she can't keep doing this anymore. Marty says she can and needs to get out of bed.

Ruth heads to Helen's place and says she has no beef with her but has quit working for Marty and is not a rat. Helen asks if the Byrde's were gone would she work with her and Helen is like “I'm not hard to find.” Meanwhile Frank Jr., who beat the shit out of Ruth, pulls into work in his car. Darlene follows him and confronts her about attacking Ruth. Then she blows his dick off with a shotgun. I'm not kidding. She blows his actual dick off and heads home. She lets Ruth know what she is done and they have a nice laugh over it. That woman is scary! She asks Ruth to work with her and it is so crazy that the poppy fields are growing and Ruth and Wyatt are not working with Darlene. Darlene stresses that they need to keep things local.

Wendy is told that Helen applied for a casino license and is lying her ass off. Now Wendy goes into protection mode and tells Marty that they can end the war that Navarro is fighting in Mexico because the guys that blew that truck up have now done enough to be attacked by the military. Charlotte is listening and says that they have footage form Jonah's drone which proves the rival cartel was there. Wendy lets Navarro know this plan and in return she wants Helen to not get a casino license. Navarro just puts the phone down and does not give an answer. Helen goes to the agent Trevor and says that Marty wants to sign a confession and go into witness protection. This was a terrible idea on her part.

Marty gives agent Maya evidence and photos from the Lagunas cartel shooting Congrove's men and setting the fire. Maya wants the actual footage and not photos and wonders if she would see Ruth in it. Marty tells her that is she doesn't share this information that his family will be killed. Darlene goes to find Frank Sr. and says Ruth had nothing to do with his son having his dick blown off and she has a new crop coming and wants to work with him 50/50 and help build recovery centers. So she wants to supply the drugs and recovery at the same time.

Navarro “invites” Wendy and Marty to see his son get baptized. Meanwhile Jonah heads to Helen's place with a shotgun and says that she killed his uncle Ben. She says she got Ben killed but that his mother was fine with it. She says she is sorry but this is the truth. She says she is going to get up and go to another room which she does. Jonah heads back home letting everything sink in while digging in Ben's ashes before blowing a window out with the gun. He turns around suddenly and shoots at the window.

Wendy and Marty head to the airport to go to Mexico. Agent Maya calls Marty while they are on the runway and asks him why he did not take her deal and asked for witness protection. Marty can't speak freely because Nelson is on his ass. Maya says he can not get on that plane but it is too late. They get on the jet along with Helen who doesn't even mention that their son just held her at gunpoint. Navarro meets his kids and hugs them. Helen, Marty, and Wendy are then greeted and suddenly Nelson steps from the side and blows Helen's brains out all over Marty and Wendy. Shook. I was super shook! They are just standing there shocked and Navarro hugs them and says “Today, well today is a new beginning.”

I know this recap was long but it doesn't cover all the crazy shit that happened in this episode let alone the series. This was great. I do not give a score of 11 often and have done it maybe two other times out of the hundreds or series and movies I have seen. But this show somehow managed to get better every season and this one kept me screaming, cringing, and feeling nervous as hell for everyone on screen. I can not think of anything I would have changed. This was perfectly written and directed. The acting was super on point. I do not watch many intense series but this is one that I have and will tell everyone to watch if they want to be entertained for ten hours. There are no bad episodes. There are no throwaway episodes. Each one kept me glued to the TV. I love this show and want maybe one more season. I don't want this to get run into the ground.

Jason Bateman as Martin “Marty” Byrde
Laura Linney as Wendy Byrde
Sofia Hublitz as Charlotte Byrde
Skylar Gaertner as Jonah Byrde
Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore
Janet McTeer as Helen Pierce
Tom Pelphrey as Ben Davis
Jessica Frances Dukes as Maya Miller
John Bedford Lloyd as Frank Cosgrove
Joseph Sikora as Frank Cosgrove Jr.
Felix Solis as Omar Navarro
Marylouise Burke as Sue Shelby
Madison Thompson as Erin Pierce

Click here for previous The Review.

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