Monday, April 13, 2020

The Review: Ozark Season 3 Episodes 7/8

Episode 7 “In Case of Emergency”

This episode was pure intensity on every level. If there was an episode that was an example of airing out grievances this was it. I say that now and the next episode is gonna end up being crazy as hell. It starts off with Ruth accompanied by Helen being interrogated after the shootings and the truck exploding. Agents Maya and Trevor (he is the asshole one that had a relationship with the agent that was murdered last season) are running this and Trevor tries to goad Ruth into exploding. As they leave Ben picks her up and says they should just run out of town. She tries to explain to him that isn't possible and says Ben is acting strange. He figures that his sister Wendy told him about his medication and how he stopped taking it. I am waiting for him to snap again.

Marty meets up with Frank Cosgrove Sr. who is pissed that the guys who got shot and blown up were his men and he has know them since they were children. Marty is like “Cool heads...” and tries to calm him down. Frank Sr. is like “Fuck that.” Frank Jr. confronts Ruth at the casino and she tries to calm him down saying she is sorry his friends are dead but he is drunk and needs to go home. Later that night as Ruth, by her goddamn self!, is walking to her car and Frank Jr. ambushes her and kicks the shit out of her. She ends up in the hospital with internal bleeding and unconscious. She later wakes with Ben wanting to do something about all this. Wyatt didn't go to visit her after his younger brother told him what happened to Ruth. Darlene of all people becomes the reasonable one and casually lets Wyatt know that she killed her husband. And not to trust the Byrde family. Yeah. That too.

Back at home Ben is packing up his shit and telling Jonah and Charlotte that they can run away to Canada and to make him some sandwiches for the trip. They smartly tell their mother and Ben loses his shit on her about telling Ruth about his medication. She says he can not live under the same roof as her family like this so he decides to leave. Marty meets up with Frank Sr. again and goes in on his ass. Marty mentions that Tommy was a snitch and beat up Ruth and that if he comes near Marty or his family again his son Frank Jr. will be hanging from a bridge in Mexico. Agent Maya talks to this dude Sam that Wendy is using to help launder money and he freaks the fuck out. Navarro calls Wendy and she fights to convince him that they can still turn his money legitimate. Right...

At home again Sue shows up. She is the couples counselor that Marty and Wendy were paying off. She arrives in a fucking yellow Lambo! Helen immediately says “Seems like a lot for a therapist.” Right then she sealed her fate and I was happy. She talks to Marty saying that he needs to be happier meaning spend more money on shit and drawing attention like she is. Marty finally gets her to leave. Later Helen shows up at her place and Sue says that she realized she under sold herself and should have charged the Byrde's more. Helen says she will be taken care of. And she is. That creepy hitman of hers shows up, gets a few minutes of therapy, and shoots her dumb ass. He also gets all her information from her laptop and the file on the Byrde's.

Ruth finally wakes up at the hospital smiling when she sees Ben's crazy ass there. She tells him that she does not know who attacked her because it was dark. Marty and Wendy show up and Ruth says she wants Frank dead. They say that is not happening. Ruth says that they murdered her father and uncle for less. Marty repeats that Frank Jr. will not be killed and that is the end of it. Ruth says she will kill him herself. I can only assume Ben is gonna try. Ruth is released and back at her trailer Wyatt shows up and apologizes for not visiting her because he can't get over the fact she said she killed his father. He slowly turns it into everything going to shit once the Byrde family arrived. That Darlene influence is working. I am gonna watch the next episode in a few hours after letting this one digest a bit.

Episode 8 “BFF”

Seriously, how the fuck is this season gonna end?! I am going to watch the last two episodes tomorrow and have to follow it up with something lighthearted afterward because this season is one of the most intense seasons of television I have ever watched. Clenched! The cheeks stay clenched while viewing! Okay. To the episode. Ben and Ruth are boning down because his dick stay hard now that he is off his meds. Ben leaves and heads over to try and find Frank Jr. to get revenge for what he did to Ruth. Apparently he has done this multiple times and they are ready for him and try to chase him down. He escapes in his truck pissed.

Ruth is back at work and feeling all kinds of traumatized as she should. Marty is just like “Welcome back. We need new champagne glasses.” I think the shit her brother Wyatt said is seeping into her brain. Ben heads to a bar and picks a fight with a guy with a nice tie and stomps the shit out of him. Helen calls Wendy to let her know that Ben is in jail and requested Helen since she is the “family lawyer.” You do not want Helen more involved than she is, people! While riding in the car with Ruth he can't even understand why everyone is upset he beat the shit out of a stranger. He promises this wont happen again and talks about how soft Wendy is. Ruth says that she is not soft and low key says that Wendy killed her father. “Your sister is not soft. She runs a fucking drug cartel. She's done it before, she just didn't feel like doing it now.” Yeah. Let's rile this guy up some more!

Marty tries to convince Wendy that Ben needs to be in an institution. She says she can not do that to him again and it would kill him. Marty is like “It is that or prison.” Wendy goes to meet Ben and asks him how much it would cost for him to go away. He ain't having that because he is not done stirring up shit. At the Byrde Family Foundation agent Maya storms up to Marty letting him know she has been reassigned after she didn't take a case he tried to give her and the FBI found out and it makes her look bad. Marty and Wendy are fucked because they were still working on turning her.

Next thing you know during a speech by Ben shows up screaming all manner of shit. He says they are all liars and bad and asks what happened to Marty's partner back in Chicago. Wendy tries to calm him down and it doesn't work. Marty steps to the plate and gets punched in the face. Security drag him away and he is locked up in jail first and Helen lets him know that he will be taken to an institution. He starts screaming his ass off and Wendy has to cover her ears while crying. Ruth goes to visit him and he is a wet mess. He looks at Ruth and is like “Maybe Darlene can help.” Next thing you know Ben is taking a cab ride to freedom! Wendy finds out and they do not know where he is headed. I thought to Frank Jr.'s place. Nope. 


Ben shows up at Helen's house while she is chilling with her daughter. He charges at her like a bull and she jumps in front of her daughter screaming for him to leave. He shouts that Helen works for a drug cartel killing people and says she was involved in murder. Helen's daughter is scared and asking if it is true and Helen says he is sick and should be locked up. I swear I thought he was gonna kill her and her daughter. Helen has enough and screams for him to get out which he finally does. The camera slowly goes to her face and I know that Marty and/or Wendy is gonna get killed. Helen talked to Navarro earlier and implied that the Byrde's may not be worth all the trouble they are causing. She has kept her daughter from all this her whole life and Ben ruined it in seconds. Any of you people that binged this in one day are insane.

Click here for previous The Review.

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