Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Review: Ozark Season 3 Episodes 5/6

Episode 5 “It Came From Michoacán”

Another episode another hour of me gasping and being in shock. Sometimes in shock because I am grossed out. I'll get to that soon enough and if you have seen the episode you can probably guess why. So Marty is back at home and everything is back to normal and that is creepy. Marty just got back from being tortured and Wendy wakes to him making breakfast for the family and telling the kids about what happened to him like it was a trip to the store. Wendy is worried about him but he is like “Ah, we got things to take care of. Don't worry about me. I am fine.” Crazy ass. He tells her that when he was faced with death he did not do what he thought he would. Likely meaning pee and cry. Wendy gets a call from Navarro and asks what happened and Navarro says he now knows who Marty is and he is just like him and wants to win. Huh. That sounds bad.

Marty heads to work and that FBI agent Maya is concerned since he just got back from being tortured and he says he was in Kansas City. He also tells her he don't want her nowhere near his family again and tosses the business card she gave Wendy. Navarro tells Wendy to get a horse farm and as soon as I heard that I thought “A horse about to die.” Marty tells Wendy and Helen about his plan to turn agent Maya because he knows about her past and how she is a crusader.

Wendy heads to court against Darlene to get the baby Zeke from her. Darlene brings in her surprise witness Wyatt. He says that Darlene is a great mother and that Wendy struck first. He also brings up how Wendy left a possum in his yard once (that was like first season). Darlene keeps the baby and back home she thanks Wyatt...with sex! They start hugging, then smooching, and next thing you know boning down. I was shook. Not because she is like 40 years older than him. Whatever. It is because it is insane ass husband murdering heroin growing Darlene. That boy is gonna have to sleep with one eye open. Hell, don't even blink.

Marty heads back to work to implement his plan against agent Maya. She is like “Bitch please, you can't give me another case thinking you are helping and not going to jail.” In the weird romance between Ruth and Ben he comes to her aid after a prank by one of the fire starters, Tommy. He locks her in the back of a truck and drops her off. Ben gets her and they have lunch as they watch birds shit all over Cosgrove Jr's car. At the horse farm some guys show up and cut the balls off a horse. Turns out it was owned by a rival of Navarro's. Wendy gets his new number from Helen and tries to talk that shit to Navarro and he is like “I don't listen to you. I own you!” She stands there like “Oh...fuck.”

Oh, the kids. Helen's daughter is into Tommy who tries sneaking around the Byrde's house and almost gets into it with Jonah. Charlotte lies saying her dad said to stay away from Helen's stupid ass daughter or he will tell Tommy's boss Cosgrove Sr. Marty ends up heading to agent Maya's hotel and confessing that he was in Mexico. I was mad that she opened her door without checking who was there. Like, really? This was a good episode and thankfully not as insane as previous ones. It was really good but spared me from as many shocks as previous ones. Seeing as how I am just halfway through that is not a good sign. This show is nuts.

Episode 6 “Su Casa Es Mi Casa”

I swear this episode laughed at me for how much calmer I thought the last one was. Marty and Wendy are sitting in therapy and the shit is getting heated when finally the therapist can't take this shit anymore and is like “You know what makes marriage difficult? When both of y'all are bribing me.” Marty just puts his head in his hands. Wendy says she only did it once. Marty tells Wendy that he's been tapping her phone and listening to her talk to Navarro. She tells Marty that he is jealous because he could never be as strong as Navarro. I was just sitting here with my “Ooooooh...” face while they screamed at each other. Wendy tells Marty that he has to move the fuck out the house. I would have gladly moved out considering who all live there. The therapist lets Marty know that it will cost a fuck ton of money for her to keep her mouth shut. I would have pushed her down a hill. Wendy lets Helen know that she and Marty are taking a break from one another and Helen does not want that shit since when they have drama it effects the cartels business.

Marty is pretending that is he gonna sign a confession to agent Maya. Oh, and he is now staying in the same hotel as her since he got kicked out. That woman is like a month away from having a kid and wants Marty to confess before she does. Goals, folks. We finally get some good stuff going on with the damn kids. Helen's dumb daughter refuses to stop seeing Tommy and he refuses to leave her alone. Tommy gets drunk and gets his gun out to shoot at random shit. He bets Jonah that he can't shoot a beer bottle. Jonah shoots three. Thanks, Buddy. Then he aims the gun at Jonah and tells him to let him shoot it off his head. Jonah looked like he was thinking about it and then the cops show up and arrest their asses.

After getting released Helen pulls Wendy aside and tries to chew her out saying her daughter was never like this and trying to blame Jonah and Charlotte but Wendy decided to spill all the tea about her nasty ass daughter wanting to lose her virginity while she was here before she headed back to school. Helen tries to talk to her daughter later who is a complete shitbird. I legit can not stand her daughter. She don't know what Helen does for a living so Helen is standing there trying to walk this tightrope of being a stern mother when she knows that if she wanted to she could have her daughters legs broken with a phone call.

Ruth and Ben are hanging out at her place and she wants to bone down but he can't get his dick to listen. He tells her its not her and she is pretty and she is like “Whatevs.” I was like “Fuck you, Ruth!” As someone with an alleged penis when it doesn't want to work when you need it to her attitude makes it way worse. Dicks don't go “Oh, yeah?! I'll show you!” and get hard. Anyhoot, Wendy finds out that Ben has been flushing his damn meds down the toilet. She says he has to take them or get the fuck out. She meets with Ruth at the casino and explains to her that she loves her brother but he is bipolar and when he doesn't take his medicine he gets crazy as fuck. Ruth don't seem phased. She meets up with Ben and bones him in the basement.

Marty realizes that he is being tailed by a black SUV. He eventually calls Maya and she is like “That ain't one of our cars” and tells him that he has to go sleep at home. He shows up and the family gather in one room while Ben and Ruth are fuggin'. The next day Maya lets them know the cars are gone. Ben asks Jonah to go drone flying and follow Ruth to joke with her. Yeah. His crazy is already kicking in. They watch her pull over to pick up the money from the drop and they see that three black SUV's are pulling up. Ben calls Ruth and she hangs up on him. He calls again and he tells her to get the fuck outta there because something bad is about to go down.

These dudes get out of the SUV's and kill everyone there and then light the truck and the money on fire and peel off with Ruth standing there watching like “Thefuckjusthappened?!” I do not know how this season is gonna end without at least four or five of this cast of characters dead. I think Tommy was one of those killed which sucks for the FBI agent he was working with and Helen's daughter who wanted to bone him. I guess.

Click here for previous The Review.

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