Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Review: Ozark Season 3 Episodes 3/4

Episode 3 “Kevin Cronin Was Here”

This season is too damn much for me. I got myself to watch two episodes back to back so this is gonna cover both. It starts off with Wendy busting a cap in Marty in the middle of the road. I wasn't even shocked with the way they've been acting lately. It turns out to be a dream. Wendy decides to close down the casino she got to launder money and it ends up fucking over Marty and Ruth because he was planning to launder money there himself. The older Cosgrove heads over to talk to Marty but he is not there and he lets slip that Marty had them set up that fireworks explosion on the boat. Helen suspects that Marty is working against her and Wendy and says that the cartel dude Navarro does not want the new casino used for money laundering. Great.

At couples therapy Marty gets super pissed off at the therapist when she sides with Wendy. Last time they were there he told her to go a little harder on him and the shit ended up backfiring because now Wendy is gonna do whatever the hell she wants. Having her crazy ass brother Ben there is also bringing out this part of her that she had buried down and would come out at weird moments.

Wendy meets up with the old dude that did not want to sell his casino and says that he should live his life the way he wants and get his wife on board with the plan. This ends with the old dude and his wife arguing and she gets in his grill and he gives her the old right there Fred and she goes tumbling down a hill. I assume she is dead now. Wendy lets Helen know that she can run the casino without Marty which is pretty much a death sentence for him especially since Wendy and Navarro are all chatty on the phone now which Helen doesn't like. Wendy tells Jonah that she is gonna get the baby back from Darlene and goes to her stand at a farmers market and intentionally starts some shit. Darlene clocks her ass.

The nice FBI lady that is hanging onto Marty says that he can get 18 months in jail and work with the FBI catching people like him if he takes a deal. The angry FBI dude catches one of the guys that started the fire and gets him talking so people are set to be fucked left and right. Navarro calls Wendy and Marty is listening when suddenly Navarro says the line is compromised and hangs up. Uh oh. Marty ends up telling the FBI agent he will accept her deal and at the big concert he is snatched away by cartel guys. Ben spots it and grabs Ruth, who he has a thing for, and they give chase in a truck. The guys stop the truck, aims a gun at Ruth, she raises her hands, and they drive off. This is gonna end so bad. And again, I have not mentioned the kids all that much because they have stories going on but they aren't all that interesting. The son is being a weirdo and the daughter is being a teenage girl.

Episode 4 “Boss Fight”

Marty wakes up in a cell where he is being tortured with loud music, lights coming on and off, and beaten. Navarro asks him what he wants. He gives the answers he thinks he is supposed to and is yanked back to his cell because Navarro says he is not ready. He starts having flashbacks to when he was little and his father was dying in the hospital. Instead of caring for him or spending time with his mother he was obsessing over a video game. He starts losing his shit in his cell after seeing there are maggots in his food and screams at Navarro that he hopes that he gets his head cut off. Navarro just smiles and says he is almost there. Navarro asks Marty what he fears and he says his wife and him. During the night Marty is snatched out of his cell and told that the accounts have been frozen. Marty easily figures out how to fix it and asks for a thank you from Navarro. Navarro turns away and Marty is dragged back to his cell.

Back at home Ben is full on “What the fuck is going on?!” Remember, he doesn't know the crazy shit that the Byrde family is mixed up in. The kids want to know where their father is and Wendy says on a work trip. The FBI agent wants to know where he is and Ruth says Kansas City. The agent comes to the house to talk to Wendy and tries to cut a deal with her the same way she did with Marty. The agent is like “Marty is in Mexico. I know this. And chances are he is already dead.”

The daughter Charlotte ends up in the same room as Helen which is a terrible thing and Helen finds out that the kids know about what their parents are doing and lets Charlotte know that her own kids do not and if they find out heads will roll. Ruth gathers a bunch of randos and gives them money to spend at the casino including Ben. The FBI agent immediately notices something is up because there are less people in the casino but more money being spent. Marty tells Navarro that he didn't even want to have another casino open which is why he was spying on Wendy and that he can turn the agent and continue laundering money. Marty is dropped off back at home and the episode ends with my cheeks clenched.

Click here for previous The Review.

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