Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Review: Tiger King Murder, Mayhem and Madness Episode 3/4

Just finished watching two more episodes of Tiger King. People told me that it gets crazier and now that I am halfway through I am a believer. This shit is beyond absurd!

Episode 3 Thoughts

Oh, so now everyone is diverting the attention from their own crazy shit by saying Carole fed her husband to her tigers. And they using the slow motion head turn of Carole, too. I see what you did there. I used to be an editor.

Carole low key looks like Nicole Sullivan/Wendi McLendon-Covey. Used to have ultra crushes on both of them but somehow not Carole. Go figure.

Whoa, Carole's missing husband Don's ex wife is shading the fuck out of Carole. Damn, does anyone like Carole?!

So Don had a wife and kids and saw Carole crying in the street after fighting her husband. Oh, she held a gun (his gun!) on him while they drove around to go bone at a hotel. Goddamn! Don ain't shit. Who wants ass so bad they are willing to give a stranger their own gun to get in the car with them?

Oh, so Joe reading Carole's diary online now. What a dick bag.

Wait. They make $500 bills? Damn, Don.

I get mad that everyone has video footage of themselves as a child while I got one damn baby photo. Period.

Carole's family were fundamental Christians. She had zero chance at a normal childhood.

Fifty six bobcats and lynx?! I didn't even know that many of those existed in this country let alone at Carole's.

Look at Dennis here riding his motorcycle with his beard blowing in the breeze looking like an crazy Santa Claus.

Carole explaining how to snatch a young animal from its mother to make it so people can come pet them.

She crossbreeding animals? Gonna fuck around and have a bunch of cockeyed leopards that shit sideways.

Oh, Don had a woman in Costa Rica too. How shocking. A guy leaves his family for a woman he found on the street is sleeping with other women? Scandalous!

Don's attorney spilling the tea now.

Don was 17 and married a 14 year old? This is America! Don's daughter just accused her father of being a sexaholic. Ew!

Don filed a restraining order against his own wife. Carole threatened to kill him. Damn. OJ Simpson may be right about her. Yeah. OJ called Carole a murderer and made fun of White people and their love of animals. A man who killed his White wife and another dude said from prison...on a golf course...during a pandemic.

I'm starting to think Don is in Costa Rica having all of the sex. Now. You not having sex? Its because Don used it all up.

Jesus. Carole's place is surrounded by swamp aka Hide Dead Bodyville.

Ooh, Carole being shady saying how Don flew his plane illegally, like, all the time. She also says that he was acting strange after his last plane crash and he may have had Alzheimer's.

Joe better not be singing a song about Carole's husband vanishing. Oh, my god. He is! That tiger in the video was like “Give me them fucking tongs!”

Who in the world anticipates their disappearance?!” Um, Florida residents.

All of Don's ex's hate Carole. Apparently they ended up with “all the yucky stuff.” The fuck does that even mean?

Oh my god! That video of Carole wearing a flower hat talking about how to get rich. Oh, fuck, man. Even if she innocent that makes her look guilty as hell.

They got married with him dressed like Fred Flintstone. Florida. Fucking Florida.

Another evil Carole shot.

Joe has taken it upon himself to be the avenger against Carole. This should be interesting. And by interesting I mean a clusterfuck.

Episode 4 Thoughts

Joe's music sounds like the soundtrack to emotional abuse.

Oh, so Joe in jail? What did he do to end up in jail?

Joe trolling Carole over the internet. Interviewing a mannequin. He is going too hard in the paint.

You have no idea how happy I am that not a single Black person has appeared in this.

Joe has officially declared himself the Tiger King.

Carole has a scary laugh.

I don't care what you say, if you take a picture with a dead animal you are a shitbird. Unless its an animal that was attacking you and your family and you defeated it. And the animal has to have been bigger than you.

Ew. Joe has pierced nipples.

Joe has to cough up a million dollars to Carole for copyright infringement.

This lunatic blowing up the shit Carole won. Yay?

What the hell?! Who started a fire?

They accusing the producer of starting the fire. If I was him my ass would run away so fast from these crazy people I'd get wind burn.

Why everyone getting interviewed playing with an animal?

Carole suing everybody! Joe's mama got sued!

Joe used up his parents money. Joe trying to hurry up and breed more tigers. And I never need to hear “Give me a hole cut” ever again.

Joe mad the baby tigers are crying. Its not like he just ripped them form their parents and stuck 'em in kennels in a living room.

Whoa. Carole was like “I'll help you, Joe. Just lemme hold your parents house.”

Who the fuck is this dude Jeff? He looks like he took a thug style from the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's. Wearing a baseball cap, wave cap, and do-rag. He ready for anything!

A little pussy gets you a lot of pussy.” If your husband says that in front of you on camera and you don't leave immediately something is wrong with you.

Jeff tossing money around. No one saying shit about Jeff.

Oh shit that lion was like “You wanna play rough? YOU WANNA PLAY ROUGH?!

Click here for previous The Review.

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