Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Review: Tiger King Murder, Mayhem and Madness Episode 5/6

Just watched episodes 5 and 6 of Tiger King and this shit is a mess. I can't believe this level of nonsense can even take place so recently. I would understand this more if it happened in the 80's.

Episode 5 Thoughts

This dude has fucking chimps. Fuck dealing with those little monsters.

Joe is super mad at Jeff. I need to see how the shit between them plays out.

This chick with one hand is full on like “Jeff ain't do shit to help.” She is setting off my Spider Sense. Has she always been a she? Not that it matters but my Spider Sense for this stuff is rarely wrong. I'll check later. (confirmed: prefers he/his pronoun and is a trans man)

Damn, Jeff taking over. Bringing in his own crew and everything.

Everyone looks like they did just enough drugs to not die...and then go work with wild animals.

Why do dudes like strip clubs? I still haven't been to one and everything about them screams “Not For Dante!”

Ew! The meat from Joe's pizza place came from the expired meat!

They play with explosives way too much in a place full of wild animals.

Joe deciding to run for President and then mayor.

He is handing out condoms with his face on them. My dick would go into my body so fast you'd hear it.

This reporter in a cage with Joe and tigers wants to run so bad.

Carole, I wouldn't trust anyone explaining anything to me wearing a ring of flowers on their head.

There's Carole's weird nervous laugh.

Joe's flat ass makes me feel good about mine.

This dude Allen that works for Jeff fucking hates Joe's guts.

Someone put cologne on Joe's shoes and that cat was like “Your leg smells amazing! I'm gonna take it with me!” Nobody came to help Joe either. Joe is losing his shit! He was about to pop a cap in that tiger.

Joe's husband Gollum never wears a shirt. It's weird. Wait. He has a shirt on showing the gun Joe bought for him. His other husband Travis looks like trouble.

Gollum says that they mainly did meth. Noooooo...for real?

Wait. What?! Gollum isn't really gay but just fucking Joe for free shit?!

Travis wasn't gay either?! He is also losing his shit punching trucks.

You wake me up pointing a gun at me you better use that shit.


He used the gun. On himself. What. The. Fuck. Travis just blew his brains out.

Erik (the head zookeeper) seems like the most decent person there after Seff (one hand). I say that now and it turns out he set birds on fire or something.

Here is the funeral Jasmine mentioned.


...why would you tell a story about the deceased rubbing their balls on your face at the funeral with his mom sitting front row?

Oh god. First her son kills himself and now she has to listen to Joe sing.

Joe serving a holiday meal. I wouldn't eat a damn thing he serves.

Joe losing his shit. Taking pictures of clouds saying there are angels and could that say “Hi.”

Jeff decided...he decided to have a party bus with live animals. Live animals. On a bus. In Vegas.

Joe has a Prince Albert. Did not need to know that.

If you do not know what that is do not Google it. If you Google it and scream its your fault.

Joe already got a new young thang. They met in a chat room.

Ain't no man putting their hand in the small of my back!

Joe invited his dead husbands mom to his wedding two months after he died. Just her, the grooms, and a flower girl.

This woman trying to put a Christmas hat on a tiger. Eat her!

I saw a Black person! Dude taking photos at the parade! Siiiiiiiiiiiir!!!

I still don't know why Joe is in jail five episodes in.

Oh shit the feds are talking to Jeff.

Its. About. To go. Down.

Episode 6 Thoughts

Joe bailed Jeff out of jail after he beat his wife. The second time was when he was sneaking cubs into places in luggage!

Jeff says that Joe forged his name twenty times on checks! Wow.

Damn Joe burned everything! He burned computers and papers. Where is he taking all these big ass animals?

They tranquilizing all the animals.

Oh, no. Another song.

With all the shit Joe has done and everything that is happening he still focusing on hating Carole.

Oh, if someone like Joe “joked” about having someone killed I would for sure believe it.

Joe asked his security guy to take care of Carole. Nah. Hard pass, sir.

See, Carole? That is why you do not document all your comings and goings. This fool using footage she films on a bike trail.

Allen is too down. Like way too down. He's like “I'll kill someone” the way you say “I'll have a water.”

Carole's husband is smart about this handling Joe shit. He got that call and was like “Let me not call this number and send it to the authorities.”

This big dude turned informer like Snow! A liggyboomboomdown!

Okay, so far even if Carole fed her husband to tigers doesn't take away from the fact that Joe wanted to have her killed.

Instead of killing Carole Allen got fucked up and partied.

Why would you text messages about having someone killed for you?

Meanwhile Jeff got out of jail on probation. The law is fucking weird.

Jeff rolled up to the police like “What y'all wanna know?”

Seriously, why would Joe trust Allen of all people to kill Carole? I know he saw the teardrop tattoo and thought he was on the up and up. But Allen wanted to kill Joe even more.

Joe trying to trick folks into thinking he was in Belize. Bitch, please.

Ah, this big dude was like “That's Florida water. He ain't in Belize.”

These news reports prove that the same folks that will exploit your crazy ass will be there to parade your downfall.

Jeff is tearing down Joe's place and making something new.

Click here for previous The Review.

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