Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Review: Tiger King Murder, Mayhem and Madness Episode 7 (Finale)

This is my reaction while watching the final episode of Tiger King. This was an entire bag of nonsense.

Episode 7 Thoughts

Happy times at the fair with Joe and Travis and all the boys. Something bad is about to happen.

Joe not happy to be in a prison (cage). The irony.

Its crazy how Jeff got involved in all this shit and is now opening his own zoo where Joe started.

Ew, stop letting that monkey eat from your mouth!

Joe talking to his latest husband on the phone from jail. I seriously don't get it.

So Joe is in prison for plotting to have Carole murdered. I get it. There is so much proof he wanted that. So why is everyone saying he is innocent?

Oh, shit they found tiger bones buried!

This prosecutor Amanda Green is low key hot. Looking like a Power Girl. Its not just me. There is a Reddit thread about it.

This whole thing is about dumb people finding people that are slightly dumber and taking advantage of them.

Allen was supposed to kill Carole for five grand but got only three so was like “Bye.”

This dude like “I'm in a federal murder for hire plot just because I stopped at a zoo to feed a bear one day!”

Carole took the witness stand!

Carole thinks if someone killed her it would be worth it for push her movement. The fuck? You ain't no martyr!

There is far too much man nipple on this series. My nipples ain't seen the sun since the mid 80's.

How are so many people trusting Jeff? He wears three hats!

Allen baths with a scarf on.

Joe threw a holiday dinner to get enough money to have Allen kill Carole.

Antle breaking down how to properly purchase a hitman.

Joshua (the one that saw Travis kill himself) is still down for Joe. Yeah, Jeff fucked Joe over but Joe is still stone cold fucknuts.

Ah, that's cute. Joe think he getting out of jail.

Here's Amanda again. My Spider Sense is tingling...

Joe made way too many videos showing how he was gonna kill Carole.

Tell 'em, Amanda! USA! USA! USA!

This dude like “I'll feel somewhat responsible” if Joe gets life in prison. Yeah. Ya kinda set him up.

This man frying burgers using his hand as a spatula.

Joe guilty on all nineteen counts. I say damn!

Joe crying from jail and hard cut to Carole and her new husband drinking champagne and singing.

Carole's new husband look like Prince Charles.

This woman let Jeff get her pregnant! Oh, and he said he is getting her bank in the gym. My god. They are gonna get a hot nanny. Fucking hell.

Uh, Jeff don't look like the type that wants a baby speaking anything than English.

Big man on a jet ski! This does not warrant Eye of the Tiger. Wait. I get it. Ha.

Ugh, PETA.

Jeff is really good at tricking folks out of their money. Now everyone trying to team up against Jeff.

Nobody wins.” - Saef.

Covering up that Joe Exotic tattoo...

...with a bull. Okay.

That is the worlds saddest chimp.

Man, fuck Joe.

Joe got 22 years in prison.

5-10,000 tigers in this country. 4,000 in the wild. I shit you not, if you put them where they came from those countries would wage war against us.

Oh, no. Not another song!

Final Thoughts

I saw a lot of people hated Carole online and said she fed her husband to tigers. I'm not so sure about that anymore. I think he is in Costa Rica having all the fun.

Joe is guilty of a lot of crazy shit. Just because you think he is crazy and funny does not mean he is innocent. That type of thinking is how we got the president we got now and why we had The Terminator for governor. Shit's cute until its real.

Still don't know why you would want to own a tiger or breed them just to put them in cages.

This show was full of a lot of people guilty of a lot of shit. Joe just happened to be the loudest and most vindictive one and took the fall for it.

If I were Jeff I would have done everything to stop this from coming out.

If I were Jeff's wife I would have more respect for myself.

Click here for previous The Review.

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