Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Review: Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 1

Doom Patrol S2E1 “Fun Size Patrol”

I learned from my review of Doom Patrol during the first season that this is not the type of show you can cover in one post. I am going to cover each episode for this season so I don't sound like a lunatic talking about farting donkeys and such. So yeah. This episode starts when they escaped the roaches' body from another dimension after it was making out with a large rodent and are stuck being tiny. The team saved the Chief's daughter Dorothy. Larry makes them very tiny breakfast which made me laugh. The team is still pissed off at Chief for revealing that he is the reason they all had accidents that gave them their powers because he is obsessed with immortality. Larry is also trying to make a formula to turn the team back to normal size.

Cliff spends his time racing around on a track and punching rodents in the house. There is also a nice scene with Cliff and Jane talking shit about Chief and wondering what he fucked to create Dorothy. Rita is trying her best to control her abilities. Cyborg is miserable and having flashbacks of beating his father. Jane is staying high as hell which is making the Underground look dull and nothing is being taken care of. Dorothy runs around trying to be friends with everyone not realizing how mad they are and how much they hate her father. See, Chief ended up getting that cave woman pregnant and having Dorothy and he has been protecting her. Sort of. Because one flashback shows that he wasn't exactly always there for her.

Dorothy was kept in a cage in a circus as an ape-girl where people threw shit at her. She was also known for being able to make that giant moose wolf creature appear and dance for the people. One day a voice tells her to make a wish as a candle appears in her hand. She blows out the candle and there is a massacre! Everyone is dead except for Chief who is in the crowd looking shook. She can bring her imaginary friends to life as well. Larry outside with his negative energy being lets it fly around every day. One day it stops short and dives back into him and shows him an example of him being a shitty father to his son. He later sees his son as an old man now still upset he never made his father happy with a table full of pills and a gun.

Chief calls forth Willoughby Kipling (he is a wizard I didn't mention from last season) and wants to make a deal with him to protect Dorothy. He wants to sacrifice his own immortality to to ensure her safety. One day Chief realizes Dorothy is missing and the team set out to find her. Cliff and Jane find her with the rat that Cliff was punching. It is having babies. Dorothy wonders what will happen to the tiny baby rat and suddenly the mother eats it! Dorothy freaks out and her imaginary friends which include a massive spider come out of a tunnel. 

The team end up returning to normal size thanks to a sacrifice made by the Chief. They don't forgive his ass though. And Dorothy still has that one voice that is sounding evil as hell. This episode was really cool and I am glad that it hasn't lost a step after the first season. I like the addition of Dorothy because she brings another level of emotion and complexity. Cyborg ends up leaving which sucks. Hopefully he returns. Rita is getting better at using her ability. And I have a feeling that Jane is gonna fucking snap. And Danny is a brick. 

Click here for previous The Review.

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