Friday, August 14, 2020

The Review: Project Power

Project Power 2/10

Full of spoilers. Why was this movie made? I know that sounds weird because movies get made all the time for no damn reason and are terrible but this one was a special kinda bad. Project Power is a movie about people who get super powers after taking a pill. What powers? Some get invisibility. Some get strong. Some get icy. Some get set on fire. Some get powers that are perfect for the plot. You know. Powers. This dude shows up with these pills that come in special packs, glow, and need to be twisted and swallowed and immediately the powers start. Oh, I forgot to mention. Sometimes you just blow the fuck up. This girl named Robin is selling these drugs and rapping badly. Her mother is sick too and needs some soup. While trying to sell drugs Robin is jumped and is saved by a cop named Frank. Frank lets the guys go and gives her a motorcycle. Don't ask me to explain.

Frank thinks the drugs, called Power, are needed because criminals are using the shit. This dude who we find out is named Art (I honestly didn't remember his name being said until way later in the movie) tracks down a dealer and chases him. The dealer takes a pill that sets him on fire even though he is already half crispy from using it before. He takes three more pills and continues the fight eventually dying. Art is looking for his daughter Tracy. Frank doesn't trust Art because he thinks he is the source of this drug. But you use it so...okay. Whatever.

Frank stops a robbery by taking a pill and he becomes super strong. I forgot. The pills last exactly five minutes. Frank chases a dude that can chameleon his ass. Frank's chief says that he can't have his own cops using drugs but then tells him to go search for Art. Oh, and Art ends up teaming with Robin and by teaming I mean kidnapping and threatening to kill her mother. They fight and bicker but then she trusts him. She also trusts Frank. Frank and Art don't trust each other. No one trusts the cops. Robin's mother still has not gotten her soup. 

I'm not gonna keep on talking about this silly ass movie. The special effects were okay. The story was wack. I wasn't sure how old Robin was when this started. I thought she was a grown ass woman but then her mother wakes her at almost 10 in the morning to say she was late for school. I thought she meant college, but no, this girl is in high school looking about 30. Frank is every cop in every movie that doesn't want to follow the rules. Art doesn't have powers even though this would have been better if he did. He takes a pill later and turns into the fucking Dark Phoenix. The only reason why this did not get a 1 or 0 was because CK and I laughed so much during this making up raps that ending with talking about soup. Like, we laughed a lot. And sighed. The music was killing me. I found out afterward that the raps in this were written by an actual rapper which is fine but that doesn't mean the person reciting it are good. When Art told Robin she had skills I said “Now all you need to do is dress half naked and learn the splits and you'll be a star!” No real reason to watch this. I like the main other films. Not in this one.

Jamie Foxx as Art/The Major
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Frank Shaver
Dominique Fishback as Robin
Colson Baker as Newt
Rodrigo Santoro as Biggie
Amy Landecker as Gardner

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