Friday, September 11, 2020

The Review: Doom Patrol S2E5

"Finger Patrol"

This is the problem with binge watching. I was about to write about episode seven and forgot I watched five and six. Rita heads to an audition and ends up finding out that it is about the day she turned into a blob monster and destroyed the town. Larry has to head to his dead sons place and help clean it out. Its a whole thing that goes very sideways later. Cliff and Vic go to visit Vic's...girlfriend. Seriously. This relationship is a terrible idea and not an interesting story at all which sucks because Vic surprisingly had a really good story last season. This isn't even a “Let's give him a lighthearted story this season!” situation. As much as I enjoy this show as soon as his girlfriend appears on the scream I go “Ugh...” because that means I have to watch the same conversation happen again.

Vic: I can heal you.

Roni: I'm too damaged.

Vic: So am I. I killed my mom.

Roni: We're not the same.

Vic: I can still heal you.

Roni: (makes eyes at Vic)

Vic: Want some fuck?

Cliff and Vic are hanging out and while Vic is going to get some fuck Cliff has a daydream about being in a 70's type series with Vic. He wakes and sees some guys trying to steal a car and confronts them. He bonks one away and another gets his finger cut off in the car door. This is perfect because earlier Cliff found some drawings that Niles had done for new designs for Cliff's body including spider legs. One had a finger and they talked about Cliff being able to have the ability to feel things again. Cliff and Vic meet with Vic's dad Silas and he says he can not help Cliff because what Niles did to his body was a crime.

Jane is with Niles and Dorothy and at this point he is full on not wanting his over 100 year old daughter to stay a child forever even though she is dangerous as fuck and he is the worst father ever. He convinces Jane to use her Baby Doll persona to hang with Dorothy. It goes very well. They are running around and being kids. Dorothy wants to rest but Baby Doll is pure childish energy and wants to keep playing. Dorothy wants to grow up and Candlemaker is like “Whatever, kid...” Baby Doll ends up booping Dorothy's wolf/moose friend Manny's snoot hurting it and Dorothy gets mad. Whatever. I hate this kid.

Larry seems to be getting along well with his family. He meets his grandson and great grandson. Rita gets drunk and takes out her anger towards her mother and starts speaking to Larry's great grandson about life. Larry reveals to his son that he was gay. Later outside cars pull up and it turns out that Larry's son called the Bureau to come get the Negative Spirit. They start shooting and Rita shields the kid while Larry's grandson gets a bullet to the gut. Larry's son blames him somehow. The spirit grabs Rita and Larry's body and they fly away. How did his son think this situation was gonna go?!

Dorothy and Baby Doll are playing a deadly game of hide and seek. Dorothy scares Baby Doll and she tosses her into a big ass boiler and lights it up. Manny appears and Baby Doll, not with more power, kills Manny. Well, Flaming Katy kills him. She using multiple powers at once. Next thing you know Candlemaker tells Dorothy to make a wish and her punk ass does! Candlemaker is in the Underground! He kills Baby Doll and Flaming Katy! The Underground can not stop him and I don't know how he managed to even get inside. In the real world Jane is covered in wax laying on the floor looking dead as hell.

Click here for previous The Review.

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