Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Review: The Boys S2E3

"Over The Hill With The Swords Of A Thousand Men"

Homelander is scary. I have discovered that nothing is scarier than Homelander being at your kitchen table with no intention of leaving. This bastard is pretending that he knows how to be people and hanging out at Becca's place and trying to be a family. She wants absolutely none of it. He brings his son Ryan onto the roof and tells him to jump. Ryan is like “I can't fly, dad” and Homelander is like “Aw, you called me dad.” Then he shoves him off the roof. Becca rushes out and it turns out Ryan is fine. Homelander says of course because he is his son. Becca goes off on Homelander and he grabs her wrist. Ryna shoves him to the ground and his eyes laser up! Becca takes him inside and Homelander's weird ass if all proud.

The Boys have Kimiko's brother tied up on a yacht that Butcher stole. Frenchie tries to bond with him and he wants none of that and uses just his damn finger to cut a piece off a can and free himself just as a helicopter spots the stolen yacht. Kenji uses his powers and accidentally explodes the copter. The team tie him up and jump onto a smaller boat. Hughie tosses a life raft to the guys on the copter because he is not 100% evil.

There is a pitch meeting for a Dawn Of The Seven movie and Stormfront talks shit about the portrayal of the women in it. Ashley, who has taken over for Stillwell, tries to defend the script. Breaking news! Compound V made the heroes. They were not born that way. They are all dealing with it in different ways. A-Train threatens Starlight but she doesn't give a fuck because she knows that he killed Popclaw last season. When the news breaks Mr. Edgar is sitting quietly figuring out a way to repair this PR nightmare. Frenchie and Mother's Milk are happy about the news while Butcher is like “Good job, Whatever. Things can still go bad.” And now since they have bolwn up a copter they have to head to another spot to drop off Kenji.

In Ohio Deep is super pissed because he has spent his life hearing fish scream and with gills on his body because of a serum, not because he was born that way. Carol who is working with the church cult to recruit Deep says that there is good news and he starts sending sharks to attack the team. He emerges on the back of a whale and it actually looks cool. He stops in front of the team and Butcher accelerates the boat and rams that damn thing right through the whale. Hughie is all levels of shook and has to be talked out of the carcass by Mother's Milk.

The Seven show up and Starlight is this close to killing an apologetic Deep. Stormfront makes fun of him for joining the church. Homelander tells him to lay back and cover his gills cause its gross. Starlight ends up finding Hughie in the tunnel who immediately is like “Hey our plan worked and we released the information about Compound V!” all loud and shit. She blasts him to shut him the fuck up. Homelander arrives and tells her to kill him or he will just kill the both of them. Butcher appears just when it looks like she is about to actually do it and then Kenji brings rubble and cars down on Homelander. Kenji bones out and Kimiko rushes after him.

Stormfront finds Kimiko and her brother and tosses them through an apartment complex. A family is inside screaming and Stormfront just stares at them and launches a guy into a fridge killing him. She then just starts blowing the place up. She finds Kenji on the roof and breaks his hands and tells him to look into her eyes because she likes to watch the light leave. She snaps his neck as Kimiko watches. She is also racist. Yeah. Fuck Stormfront. I mean, fuck most of the people on this show. People loved this character so damned much on videos I watched and were shook when they realized that she was trash. Homelander shows up upset because he wanted Kenji alive. There is a press conference where Mr. Edgar blames the Compound V on the dead Stillwell and brings Stormfront up because she is the hero that saved the day. Homelander is staring at her like he can make her explode. In a basement The Boys just watch Stormfront on screen and stare. Kimiko is gonna kill that woman. I am so glad they didn't release every episode at once. My dumb ass would have finished it by now.

Click here for previous The Review.

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