Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Review: Raised By Wolves S1E2


This strange ass show continues to stay strange. This starts with Marcus who was one of the religious dudes that arrived last episode and didn't get blown up. It is Boston, 2145, and shit is wild. There are androids that are in full attack mode looking like Mother just leveling things. He and this lady find an android that can perform surgery and they get this crazy two day face swaps to look like two people that are going to be aboard the ship leaving Earth. They find the real couple and kill them and also find out that they have to pretend to be the parents of a young boy who happens to be one of the survivors that Mother brought back to the planet.

Mother brings the new kids in and tells them no praying. She tries to act normal but they are super creeped out by her ass. Oh, and she takes the eyes of the android she killed before because her regular eyes are her kill mode eyes. Mother brings Father back, thank god, and explains to him what is going on. Mother and Father bury the bodies of the dudes she killed and she is like “tell a joke” and he is super not down for that right now. She is gonna end up killing everyone, I swear. Campion is trying to be friends with the kids and they want none of him. Mother realizes that one of the kids, a young girl, is pregnant so she doesn't have to do heavy work. She reveals that she was raped and Mother is like “Yeah, but...baby!” Oh, and there are some damned creatures that start attacking and Mother goes into fight mode and destroys them. Campion had found and hidden her attack eyes earlier. This fucking kid, man.

We discover that Mother was built as an attack robot by one of the other kids and that Father is an outdated model. That explains a lot about her character. She is a weapon pretending to be a caretaker. Marcus is found by some of his people but not really his people since his ass is not who he is pretending to be. This episode was about 40 minutes long but felt like 20 for some reason. It flew the hell by. I enjoyed it but want to know what the hell is gonna happen. I imagine Mother is gonna kill one of them kids.

Click here for previous The Review.

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