Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Review: The Boys S2E2

"Proper Preparation and Planning"

I have completed the first three episodes of The Boys that have been released and am so damned happy they didn't put them all out at once since I am re-watching season one with CK and letting her know when not to look at the screen. This show graphic as fuck but I still want her to be able to enjoy it because the acting, story, and style of the show is incredible. Butcher heads to Raynor's funeral (she got her head blown up) and meets with Grace. She is the lady that recruited him and sent him after Homelander and told him what happened to Becca his wife. She tells Butcher that if he can bring in the loose super terrorist that she can tell him where Becca is. He tries to recall where he was when he saw her at the house with a kid and can't recall much.

They find the dude and it turns out to be Kimiko's brother. After Hughie stops Butcher from shooting him he escapes and is chased down by Kimiko. He launches her through a building but she comes back and chokes him out. Butcher punches Hughie for getting in his way. Starlight and Stormfront are doing press junkets and Stormfront is being “real” about everything including the fact that the women don't have pockets in their uniforms. Maeve has to leave these wack interviews because her old girlfriend she is keeping secret from Homelander (because he will straight up murder her) is in the hospital. 

In Ohio Deep takes some mushroom tea and starts tripping. His gills start talking to him saying that since he hates himself for how he looks he treats women like shit. Deep fights back against his gills refusing to even look at them until they start singing to him and he joins in. This dude is getting an ultra redemption story and I am still not sure how I feel about it considering what a shit bird he is.

Starlight gets the Compound V from Gecko, the dude she blackmailed, and fucking A-Train shows up and starts frisking her. She slipped it into Stormfront's backpack thankfully. He confronts Starlight over the fact that she helped Hughie. She says that Hughie saved his life but he does not give a damn. He is also suffering from being in the hospital and maybe some side effects of no longer shooting up Compound V. Homelander is hanging at Becca's place trying to be a father to his son and being really weird about it. He wants his son to use his powers while Becca wants him to have as normal a life as possible. When she gets a chance she heads to this guard booth. It turns out that she is locked in a large compound/town. She says she was promised that Homelander would never find her. A voice on the phone says that Homelander will likely get bored and leave. It don't look like that is the case.

Click here for previous The Review.

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