Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Review: Raised By Wolves S1E1

"Raised By Wolves"

Full of spoilers. When I saw the trailer for this I knew it was gonna be nutty as hell. Oh, my body was not ready for the amount of “What the fuck?!” that this show contains. I said “Huh?” and “The hell...?” a lot during the hour. In the future a group of folks that didn't believe in god and some sun worshiping ones that hardcore do got into a fight. Everyone suffered because of it. The not religious people sends this ship with two androids and a dozen embryos on a ship to restart humanity without all that religious shit. The androids are Mother and Father. Father sticks these plugs into Mother and she grows the embryos in these ice tray looking things and he pulls out the babies later. One of them is dead but Mother starts humming to it and actually crying and it comes back to life. Father looks puzzled by her tears. This is just the first sign that shit is squirrely.

The kids are tiny and growing up on this strange desert like planet. One of the kids falls into a giant hole dug by...something. There is evidence that some giant reptile like creatures were on this planet or as CK thinks still on it. The other kids start dying one by one after developing coughs. The last one left is Campion who is the one that was brought back to life. Father wants to send a signal and get Campion away because with just him they have failed. I think the other embryos were on the ship they landed in that was in a giant hole. By the way, Campion ends up fucking climbing in it after Father almost fell doing the same thing. Campion starts pressing buttons and it sends a signal that the religious people track.

One night Mother has a dream that she is a cool looking robot and destroying a city. Father is puzzled by this. She freaks out at certain points and white liquid starts coming out of her nose and mouth. Campion secretly prays and misses his siblings so Mother turns her face into one of them and speaks with her voice, unaware that she could even do such a thing. Both androids know that they are gonna break down leaving Campion alone but Mother is losing all her shit. She ends up impaling Father on a giant lizard tooth and doing who knows what with his body.

That signal Campion sent gets a ship that arrives and these guys are total dicks. Mother tells Campion not to tell them she is an of course he does. They send their android to fight her and she kicks its ass and vaporizes the other with some weird ass sonic scream. She takes one of their ships, tricks them into letting her aboard, and blows all of them into bits. She brings back five children, I suspect to replace the ones that died. She at this point has turned into the robot from her dreams and is terrifying. This show is really good. I love the acting of Mother and Father and wish he hadn't been killed off so soon. Mother is great. She for real seems like she is not an actual human with the way she does everything. From her voice to her posture combined with her losing it as the mission goes on I am nervous for them kids that just got there.

Click here for previous The Review.

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